刘志宇 博士
厦门大学翔安校区希平楼C3-416室 |
Dr. Zhiyu Liu
C3-416 Xiping Bldg, Xiangan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China |
Tel:+86-592-2880106 Fax:+86-592-2880107 Email:zyliu(at)xmu.edu.cn |
论文著作 Publications
A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers (* corresponding author,† advised student or postdoc) CV
[82] Hu Z.†, Liu Z., Liu X., Masuda T., Shiozaki T., Yamada H., Lin H., Huang B., and Furuya K. (2024), Intrathermocline eddies in the tropical western North Pacific: Nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical significance, submitted. |
[81] Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, Lin H., Chen D., Yang Q., and Ni Q. (2024), A practical separation of oceanic vortical and wavy motions entangled in the SWOT satellite measurements, submitted. |
[80] Zhang Q., Chen Z., Liu Z., Qu L., Lu H., Sun Y., He Q., Xu J., Gong Y., and Cai S. (2024), Wind forcing over an eddying ocean can generate a quasi-universal internal wave spectrum, submitted. |
[79] Sun X.†, Lin H.*, Liu Z.*, Hu Z., Yu J., and Dai M. (2024), A modified thermal lag correction method for glider-based salinity measurements, in revision. |
[78] Zhou T.†, Liu Z.*, Lin H., and Wang C. (2024), On the contribution of internal gravity waves to horizontal dispersion in the ocean, in revision. |
[77] Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, Lin H., Yang Q., and Chen D. (2024), Disentangling wavy and vortical oceanic motions in snapshots of the sea surface height and velocity, revised. |
[76] Du C., Dai M., Liu Z., Kao S.-J., Hu Z., Cao Z., Yang J.-Y. T., Zhou K., Lin H., Yuan Z., Wang L., Huang T., Guo L., and Wang Z. (2024), Diapycnal fluxes of nutrients in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Global and Planetary Change, revised. |
[75] Tian Y.†, Bai X., Wang C., and Liu Z.* (2024), Tidal energetics in the eddying South China Sea from a high-resolution numerical simulation, Progress in Oceanography, revised. |
[74] Yang Y., Huang R. X., Liang X. S., Liu Z., Hu J., Zhao Y., and Fu G. (2024), The causal relation within air–sea interaction as inferred from observations, Journal of Climate, 37(24), 6713–6727.
[71] Cao A., Liu Q., Zhang J., Shiller A.M., Cai Y., Zhang R., Gilbert M., Guo X., and Liu Z. (2024), Dissolved rare earth elements in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: Lithogenic sources and water mass mixing control, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 372, 42–61.
[70] Yuan Z., Browning T.J., Du C., Shen H., Wang L., Ma Y., Jiang Z.-P., Liu Z., Zhou K., Kao S.-J., and Dai M. (2023), Enhanced phosphate consumption stimulated by nitrogen fixation within a cyclonic eddy in the Northwest Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(11), e2023JC019947.
[69] Xiao X., Zhou C., Yang Q., Jing Z., Liu Z., Yuan D., Xu Z., Zhao W., and Tian J. (2023), Diapycnal upwelling over the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in the North Pacific Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(18), e2023GL104369.
[68] Liu G., Chen Z., Lu H., Liu Z., He Q., He Y., Xu J., Gong Y., and Cai S. (2023), Energy transfer between mesoscale eddies and near-inertial waves from surface drifter observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(16), e2023GL104729.
[67] Liu L., Chen M., Wan X.S., Du C., Liu Z., Hu Z., Jiang Z.-P., Zhou K., Lin H., Zakem E.J., Qin W., Dai M., and Zhang Y. (2023), Reduced nitrite accumulation at the primary nitrite maximum in the cyclonic eddies in the western North Pacific subtropical gyre, Science Advances, 9(33), eade2078.
[65] Hu Z.†, Lin H.*, Liu Z.*, Cao Z., Zhang F., Jiang Z., Zhang Y., Zhou K., and Dai M. (2023), Observations of a filamentous intrusion and vigorous submesoscale turbulence within a cyclonic mesoscale eddy, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(6), 1615–1627.
[61] Yuan Z., Browning T.J., Zhang R., Wang C., Du C., Wang Y., Chen Y., Liu Z., Liu X., Shi D., and Dai M. (2023), Potential drivers and consequences of regional phosphate depletion in the western subtropical North Pacific, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 8(3), 509–518.
[56] Lu H., Chen Z., Xu K., Liu Z., Wang C., Xu J., Gong Y., and Cai S. (2022), Interannual variability of near-inertial energy in the South China Sea and western North Pacific, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(24), e2022GL100984.
[55] Chen Z., Liu G., Liu Z., Chen S., Lu H., Xu J., Gong Y., Xie J., He Y., Chen J., He Y., and Cai S. (2022), Mutual enhancement of wind- and tide-induced near-inertial internal waves in Luzon Strait, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(12), 3259–3272.
[50] Liu C., Huo D., Liu Z., Wang X., Guan C., Qi J., and Wang F. (2022), Turbulent mixing in the barrier layer of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(5), e2021GL097690.
[48] Miao M., Zhang Z., Qiu B., Liu Z., Zhang X., Zhou C., Guan S., Huang X., Zhao W., and Tian J. (2021), On contributions of multiscale dynamic processes to the steric height in the northeastern South China Sea as revealed by moored observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 48(14), e2021GL093829.
[46] Du C.†, He R., Liu Z., Huang T., Wang L., Yuan Z., Xu Y., Wang Z., and Dai M. (2021), Climatology of nutrient distributions in the South China Sea based on a large data set derived from a new algorithm, Progress in Oceanography, 195, 102586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102586
[44] Peng S., Liao J., Wang X., Liu Z.*, Liu Y., Zhu Y., Li B., Khokiattiwo S., and Yu W.* (2021), Energetics-based estimation of the diapycnal mixing induced by internal tides in the Andaman Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(4), e2020JC016521.
[43] Shen J., Jiao N., Dai M., Wang H., Qiu G., Chen J., Li H., Kao S.-J., Yang J.-Y., Cai P., Zhou K., Yang W., Zhu Y., Liu Z., Chen M., Zuo Z., Gaye B., Wiesner M., and Zhang Y. (2020), Laterally transported particles from margins serve as a major carbon and energy source for dark ocean ecosystems, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(18), e2020GL088971.
[40] Tu J., Fan D., Lian Q., Liu Z., Liu W., Kaminski A., and Smyth W.D. (2020), Acoustic observations of Kelvin-Helmholtz billows on an estuarine lutocline, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(4), e2019JC015383.
[38] Chen Z., Chen S., Liu Z., Xu J., Xie J., He Y., and Cai S. (2019), Can tidal forcing alone generate a GM-like internal wave spectrum? Geophysical Research Letters, 46(24), 14,644–14,652.
[37] Liu C., Fang L., Köhl A., Liu Z., Smyth W.D., and Wang F. (2019), The subsurface mode tropical instability waves in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and their impacts on shear and mixing, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(21), 12,270–12,278.
[36] 魏泽勋,郑全安,……,刘志宇,…… (2019), 中国物理海洋学研究70年: 发展历程、学术成就概览, 海洋学报, 41(10), 23–64.
[34] Makarim S.†, Sprintall J., Liu Z., Yu W., Santoso A., Yan X.-H., and Susanto R.D. (2019), Previously unidentified Indonesian Throughflow pathways and freshening in the Indian Ocean during recent decades, Scientific Reports, 9, 7364. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43841-z
[33] Zhang Z., Liu Z., Richards K., Shang G., Zhao W., Tian J., Huang X., and Zhou C. (2019), Elevated diapycnal mixing by a sub-thermocline eddy in the western equatorial Pacific, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(5), 2628–2636.
[29] Liu Z.*, Lian Q., Zhang F., Wang L., Li M., Bai X., Wang J., and Wang F. (2017), Weak thermocline mixing in the North Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(20), 10,530–10,539.
[22] Wu K., Dai M., Chen J., Meng F., Li X., Liu Z., Du C., and Gan J. (2015), Dissolved organic carbon in the South China Sea and its exchange with the Western Pacific Ocean, Deep-Sea Research II, 122, 41–51.
[19] Bai X.†, Liu Z., Li X., Chen Z., Hu J., Sun Z., and Zhu J. (2013), Observations of high-frequency internal waves in the southern Taiwan Strait, Journal of Coastal Research, 29(6), 1413–1419.
[17] Du C.†, Liu Z., Dai M., Kao S.-J., Cao Z., Zhang Y., Huang T., Wang L., and Li Y. (2013), Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the upper northern South China Sea: Insights from an isopycnal mixing model, Biogeosciences, 10(10), 6419–6432.
[16] 徐鹏†, 刘志宇, 毛新燕, 江文胜 (2013), 强潮狭长海湾中垂直涡黏性系数与底拖曳系数的估计, 中国海洋大学学报, 43(8), 1–7.
[15] Dai M., Cao Z., Guo X., Zhai W., Liu Z., Yin Z., Xu Y., Gan J., Hu J., and Du C. (2013), Why are some marginal seas sources of atmospheric CO2? Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10), 2154–2158.
[13] Liu X., Huang B., Liu Z., Wang L., Wei H., Li C., and Huang Q. (2012), High-resolution phytoplankton diel variations in the summer stratified central Yellow Sea, Journal of Oceanography, 68(6), 913–927.
[09] 王凡, 胡敦欣, 穆穆, 王启, 何金海, 朱江, 刘志宇 (2012), 热带太平洋海洋环流与暖池的结构特征、变异机理和气候效应, 地球科学进展, 27(6), 595–602.
[06] Thorpe S.A., and Liu Z. (2009), Marginal instability? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2373–2381.
B. Other Publications & Manuscripts |
[07] Ezer T., Bonaduce A., ..., Liu Z., ... (2024), Editorial – Ocean Dynamics in 2023: overview and thank you to reviewers, Ocean Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-024-01603-0
[06] 白晓林, 刘志宇 (2022), 海洋内部是一片平静的世界吗, 十万个高科技为什么(第三辑), 176–180,广东科技出版社. |
[05] 刘志宇*, 白晓林, 马家骏 (2022), 南海北部陆架区内波的演变与耗散机制, 海洋科学进展, 44(4), 791–799. (invited review)
[03] Ezer T., Xu F., Liu Z., Stanev E., Wang S., and Wei J. (2021), The 11th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2019) in Wuxi, China, on June 17–20, 2019, Ocean Dynamics, 71(4), 471–474.
[02] 刘志宇*, 林宏阳 (2018), 海洋中小尺度过程及其能量串级机制与效应, 10000个科学难题(海洋科学卷), 54–57, 科学出版社. |
[01] 刘志宇* (2009), 强潮驱陆架海中的湍流与混合, 博士学位论文, 中国海洋大学. [Liu Z. (2009), Turbulence and Mixing in Tidally Energetic Shelf Seas, Ph.D. dissertation, Ocean University of China.]