
On the use of stable isotopes as deliberate tracers to elucidate ecosystem functioning
Jack Middleburg*
Wednesday 9th @ 0830-0910
Keynote, Conference Hall
Increased variability of eastern Pacific El Niño under greenhouse warming  (Invited)
Wenju Cai* , Guojian Wang, Boris Dewitte, Lixin Wu, Agus Santoso, Ken Takahashi, Yun Yang, Aude Carr¨¦ric, Michael J. McPhaden
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Atmospheric Energetics over the Tropical Indian Ocean during Indian Ocean Dipole Events
Jianping Li* , Yuehong Wang, Yazhou Zhang, Qiuyun Wang, Jianhuang Qin
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Radiocarbon ages of organic matter transported by major Chinese rivers - What we have learned?  (Invited)
Xuchen Wang*
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Coupling between oceanic microbial interactions and atmospheric biological aerosol composition  (Invited)
Yinon Rudich* , Miri Trainic, Ilan Koren, Assaf Vardi
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
In situ HAB observations with biosensors: a decade of challenges, accomplishments, and insights  (Invited)
Donald M. Anderson* , Michale L. Brosnahan, Bruce A. Keafer
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Past changes in the tropical Indo-Pacific climate: State of the art and outstanding issues  (Invited)
Mahyar Mohtadi*
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
The Arctic/Sub-Arctic Freshwater Cycle's Impact on North Atlantic Ocean Circulation  (Invited)
Thomas Haine* , Jan-Erik Tesdal, Martha Buckley, An Nguyen
Wednesday 9th @ 0930-0950
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
A Recent Shift in the Monsoon Centers associated with the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation
Lei Wang* , Jin-Yi Yu
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Indo-Pacific climate during the decaying phase of the 2015/16 El Nino: role of southeast tropical Indian Ocean warming
Zesheng Chen, Yan Du* , Zhiping Wen, Renguang Wu, Chunzai Wang
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Chemodiversity of sediment porewater DOM in two contrasting sediment cores within the Chesapeake Bay, USA
Michael Gonsior* , Leanne Powers, Laura Lapham, Sairah Malkin
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
The formation mechanism of atmospheric PM2.5 and haze pollution in the fall and winter of Beijing  (Invited)
Min HU* , Dongjie Shang, Yao Xiao, Xin Fang, Shiyi Chen, Keding Lu, Song Guo, Zhijun Wu, Limin Zeng, Yuanhang Zhang
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
The biology and ecology of typical marine parasitic dinoflagellates
Caiwen Li* , Meng Li, Tiantian Chen, Shuqun Song, Yun Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
El Niño evolution during the Holocene revealed by a biomarker rain gauge in the Galapagos Islands
Zhaohui Zhang* , Guillaume Leduc, Julian P.Sachs
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Rapidly Changing Arctic Climate System and Arctic-Midlatitude Climate and Weather Linkages
Xiangdong Zhang*
Wednesday 9th @ 0950-1010
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Orbital modulation of ENSO seasonal phase locking
Zhengyao Lu* , Zhengyu Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Oceanic Intraseasonal Variabilities associated with Central Indian Ocean Mode
Lei Zhou* , Ze Meng
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Carbon isotope signature of amino acids in marine environments
Tiantian Tang* , Peihong Kang, Han Zhang, Zixiang Yang, Qing Li, Biyan He
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Marine Fine Aerosols in South China Sea - Chemical Characteristics and Source Apportionment
Chung-Shin Yuan* , Chung-Min Hung, Zong-Mou Yang, Po-Hung Cheng
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Ecosystem state change in the Arabian Sea linked to shrinking snow caps of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau
Joaquim I. Goes* , Hongzhen Tian, Helga do Rosario Gomes, Xiaojian Jiang, Hao Luo, Khalid Al-Hashimi
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Deep-water Carbonate Ion Concentrations in the Western Tropical Pacific Since the Mid-Pleistocene: A Major Perturbation during the Mid-Brunhes
Bingbin Qin* , Tiegang Li, Zhifang Xiong, Thomas J. Algeo, Qi Jia
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Circulation and water properties of the northeastern Chukchi Sea in summer
Peigen Lin* , Robert S. Pickart
Wednesday 9th @ 1010-1030
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
The changing influences of ENSO and the Pacific Meridional Mode on mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea
Peng-Fei Tuo* , Jin-Yi Yu, Jianyu Hu
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Dynamics of eddy generation in the central Bay of Bengal
Xuhua Cheng* , Julian P. McCreary, Bo Qiu
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Exchange Process and Biodegradation Mechanisms of Dissolved Organic Carbon Derived by Kuroshio Intrusion in the Northern South China Sea
Xiaolin Li* , Zhanfei Liu, Kai Wu, Peng Jiang, Shuai Gu, Bangqin Huang, Rui Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Minhan Dai
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Identification of the chemically distinct groups of Atlantic aerosol particles based on K-means cluster analysis
Shan Huang* , Laurent Poulain, Zhijun Wu, Wolfram Birmili, Hartmut Herrmann, Alfred Wiedensohler
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Toxic and allelopathic effects of Alexandrium leei (Dinophyceae) tested with zooplankton (Rotifer and Artemia), fish (Oryzias melastigma) and phytoplankton (Akashiwo sanguinea)
Li-Xia Shang* , Yang-Bing Xu, Danielle Saunders, Zhang-Xi Hu, Po Teen Lim, Chui Pin Liaw, Ying-Zhong Tang
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Paleoenvironmental changes in the NW South China Sea over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle inferred by fossil diatom assemblages
Jinpeng ZHANG* , Michal Tomczak, Andrzej Witkowski, Jan Harf, Hongjun Chen
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Circulation of Pacific Winter Water in the western Arctic Ocean
Wenli Zhong*
Wednesday 9th @ 1030-1050
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Quantitative Contributions of Cross-shelf and Air-sea Heat Exchange to Future Heat Budget Changes in the Eastern China Seas
Di Tian* , Jian Su, Feng Zhou, Bernhard Mayer, Dmitry Sein, Han Zhang, Daji Huang, Thomas Pohlmann
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Madden¨CJulian Oscillation Enhances Phytoplankton Biomass in the Maritime Continent
Chiung-wen June Chang* , H.-H Hsu, W. Cheah, W.-L Tseng, L.-C. Jiang
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Bioavailability and molecular structure of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in five south Texas rivers
Kaijun Lu* , Kai Wu, Zhanfei Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Iron Reoxidation in Photochemical Cycling
Jing Dou* , Beiping Luo, Peter A. Alpert, Pablo Corral Arroyo, Markus Ammann, Ulrich K. Krieger, Thomas Peter
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Fish Kill Events in Singapore Coastal Waters
Sandric Chee Yew Leong*
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
The Neogene Warmth of the Western Pacific Warm Pool
Yige Zhang* , Xiaoqing Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Multi-decadal Trends in Arctic Ocean Carbon Chemistry
Ryan Woosley* , Frank Millero
Wednesday 9th @ 1050-1110
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Decadal variation of SST and wind in the Taiwan Strait during winter
Yuwu Jiang* , Yimin Zhang, Wenfang Lu
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Mixing in the Indonesian Seas
Robin Robertson* , Paul Hartlipp
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Flux, chemical composition and reactivity of dissolved organic matter at the land-ocean interface of Minjiang River, SE China
Liyang Yang* , Qiong Cheng, Wan-E Zhuang, Hui Wang, Wei Chen
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Aerosol hygroscopicity in East Asian from continental to marine environments
Yu Wang* , Zhijun Wu, Shan Huang, Alfred Wiedensohler, Min Hu
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Metatranscriptomic signatures associated with regime shift from diatom dominance to a dinoflagellate bloom
Yaqun Zhang, Xin Lin, Xinguo Shi, Lingxiao Lin, Hao Luo, Ling Li, Senjie Lin*
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Summer monsoon-induced upwelling dominated coastal SST variations in the northern South China Sea over the last two millennia
Wing-Man Lee, Kit-Chi Poon, Deming Kong, Roderick J. Sewell, Yongqiang Zong, Yancheng Zhang* , Zhonghui Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
A numerical study of the impacts of storm on upper ocean in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean during summer
Xuezhi Bai* , hengling Leng, Yayu Yang
Wednesday 9th @ 1110-1130
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Connection of Antarctic Sea Ice with China summer rainfall on the interannual time scale
Na LIU* , Shuanglin LI
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Tidal Mixing Signatures in the Southeast Asia Waters from High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Data
R. Dwi Susanto* , Richard D. Ray
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
P5-Ocean & Atmosphere in Maritime Continent, Conference Room 4
Modeling of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes in the Changjiang River network: in coupling of in-stream degradation and river hydrology
Weijin Yan* , Lv Shucong, Yu Qibiao
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Hygroscopicity of marine aerosols and its link with chemical composition
Zhijun Wu* , Shan Huang, Laurent Poulain, Hermann Hartmut, Alfred Wiedensohler
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Population genetic structure of domoic acid producing diatom Nitzschia navis-varingica (Bacillariophyceae) in the Western Pacific region
Suh Nih Tan* , Chui Pin Leaw, Haifeng Gu, Changping Chen, Yuichi Kotaki, Yahui Gao, Chunlei Gao, Hong Chang Lim, Sing Tung Teng, Po Teen Lim
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Climate Variability during the Holocene as seen in Sediments from the Southeastern Arabian Sea
Yoganandan Veeran* , SivaChandiran Alagudurai, Selvaraj Kandasamy
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Emerging oceanic changes during summer in the central and eastern Chukchi Sea, 1974-2017
Yayu Yang* , Xuezhi Bai, Hengling leng
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
The role of tropical basin-interactions in climate predictability  (Invited)
Noel Keenlyside* , Dietmar Dommenget, Eleftheria Exarchou, Yu Kosaka, Jing-Jia Luo, Daniela Matei, Elsa Mohino, Andrew Robertson, Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca, Nicolas Vigaud
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Northwestern Pacific Variability and its Connectivity to the South China Sea  (Invited)
Bo Qiu*
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Spatio-temporal variability and transformation of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the East China Sea  (Invited)
Gui-Peng Yang* , Hong-Hai Zhang, Qian-Yao Ma
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
The effect of increasing temperature and acidification on the growth and competitive success of toxic Alexandrium catenella from the Gulf of Maine
Drajad Seto, Lee Karp-Boss, Mark L. Wells*
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Toward a 5 Million Year Record of the Greater Agulhas Current System
Ian R. Hall* , Sidney R. Hemming, Leah LeVay, Expedition 361 Scientists
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Overturning in the Nordic Seas  (Invited)
Kjetil Våge*
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
What's the role of Atlantic trans-basin forcing in Pacific decadal variability?
Kewei Lyu* , Jin-Yi Yu
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Island wakes in shallow water
Changming Dong*
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Rolling in the Deep: Tectonically-triggered sediment and carbon export to the Hadal zone
Rui Bao* , Michael Strasser, Ann McNichol, Negar Haghipour, Cameron McIntyre, Gerold Wefer, Timothy Eglinton
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Biogeochemical linkage between marine organic aerosols and surface seawater in the North Pacific: Sea-to-air transfer of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen  (Invited)
Yuzo Miyazaki*
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Molecular mechanisms of temperature acclimation and adaptation in marine diatoms
Yue Liang* , Julie A. Koester, Justin D. Liefer, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Variations in coccolithophore productivity off South Africa over the last five glacial cycles
Deborah Tangunan* , Karl-Heinz Baumann, Christina Fink
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
The early collapse of the 2017 Lincoln Sea Ice Arch in response to thin ice and anomalous wind forcing  (Invited)
Kent Moore* , K. McNeil
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Contrasting the Skills and Biases of Deterministic Predictions for the Two Types of El Nino
Fei Zheng* , Jin-Yi YU
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
An irregularly shaped warm eddy observed by Chinese underwater gliders
Chunhua Qiu* , Huabin Mao, Yanhui Wang, Jiancheng Yu
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Monitoring of classical, oxidized, and heteroatomic naphthenic acids species in oil sands process water and groundwater from the active oil sands operation area
Rongfu Huang* , Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Sarah A. Hughes, John V. Headley, Mohamed Gamal El-Din
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Composition of surfactants in sea-surface microlayer, sub-surface water and atmospheric aerosols in selected coastal areas in Peninsular Malaysia
Mohd Talib Latif* , Royston Uning, Suhana Shaharom, Kai Ling Yu, Sze Yin Cheng, Mohd Talib Latif
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Ocean acidification and nutrient limitation synergistically reduce growth and photosynthetic performances of a green tide alga Ulva linza
Guang Gao* , John Beardall, Menglin Bao, Can Wang, Wangwang Ren, Juntian Xu
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
High-and low-latitude forcing of the East African climate since the Last Glacial Maximum
Xiting Liu*
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Dynamics of the high-frequency variability in Denmark Strait
R.S. Pickart* , M.A. Spall, P. Lin, D. Matropole, H. Valdimarsson, T.W.N. Haine, M. Almansi
Wednesday 9th @ 1410-1430
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
A simulating and theoretical investigation on the dynamics of the two types of ENSO
Xiang-Hui Fang* , Mu Mu, Fei Zheng
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Composite eddy structures on both sides of the Luzon Strait and influence factors
Wen-Zhou Zhang* , Qinbiao Ni, Huijie Xue
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Nutrient budget and phytoplankton dynamics of the Rajang River-South China Sea continuum
Edwin Sia Sien Aun* , Zhu Zhuoyi, Zhang Jing, Jiang Shan, Cheah Wee, Gonzalo Carrasco, Faddrine Holt Jang, Aazani Mujahid, Moritz M¨¹ller
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Modelling the effect of atmospheric deposition on phytoplankton growth during the on-board incubation experiments conducted in South China Sea
Qiang Chu, Huiwang Gao*
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Cyanate Utilization and Identification of Cyanase Gene in Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum
Xuewei Mao* , Yunyun Zhuang, Huan Zhang, Guangxing Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Australian shelf sediments reveal shifts in Miocene Southern Hemisphere Westerlies
Jeroen Groeneveld* , Jorijntje Henderiks, Willem Renema, Cecilia McHugh, David De Vleeschouwer, Beth Christensen
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Interaction between Arctic Sea Ice and Atlantic-Pacific teleconnection
Xichen Li*
Wednesday 9th @ 1430-1450
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
A new index for identifying different types of El Nino Modoki Events
Xin Wang* , Wei Tan, Chunzai Wang
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
TOOSSE: the high resolution Two Oceans One Sea State Estimate
Chuanyu Liu* , Xiaowei Wang, Fan Wang, Armin Koehl
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Low molecular organic acids--distributions, spatio-temporal variations,and their effects on carbon dioxide system of seawater in coastal area
Haibing Ding*
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Influence of biomass burning on marine aerosols over the South China Sea
Senchao Lai* , Junwei Song, Yan Zhao, Yingyi Zhang, Pingqing Fu
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Uncovering links between sediment and stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus in water and its role in triggering red tide.
Yiyong Zhou*
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Glacial-interglacial variations in opal and organic carbon accumulation in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean
Selvaraj Kandasamy* , Peng Yang, Cheng Jin, Zhiqiang Wang, Huawei Wang, Qianqian Liu, Stephan Steinke, Mahyar Mohtadi
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Arctic Sea Ice Melt Onset Analysis
Hongjie Liang* , Jie Su
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
A simple view of ENSO complexity
Jin-Yi Yu* , Shih-Wei Fang
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
A subsurface-intensified mesoscale eddy train observed by a long-term mooring array in the northeastern South China Sea
Zhongbin Sun*
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Impact of Hurricane Harvey on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and alkanes in surface sediments of Copano Bay and Aransas Bays
Zucheng Wang* , Xianbiao Lin, Kaijun Lu, Amber Hardison, Zhanfei Liu
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
The Significant Relationship between Isoprene and Monoterpenes Sea-to-air fluxes at the Tropical Air-sea Interface
Royston Uning* , Mohd Talib Latif, Haris Hafizal Abd Hamid, MD Firoz Khan, Mohd Shahrul Mohd Nadzir, Suhaimi Suratman
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Intragenomic polymorphism of ribosomal DNAs in Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae) and its implications in molecular species delineation
Chui Pin Leaw* , Hong Chang Lim, Haifeng Gu, Leo Lai Chan, Chung-Kuang Lu, Douding Lu, Matthias Wolf, R Wayne Litaker, Patricia A Tester, Po Teen Lim
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Perturbation of the silicon cycle during the PETM: new insights from silicon isotopes
Guillaume Fontorbe* , Patrick J. Frings, Christina L. De La Rocha, Katharine R. Hendry, Daniel J. Conley
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
On the Nature of Wind-Forced Upwelling in Barrow Canyon
Maria N. Pisareva* , Robert S. Pickart* , Paula S. Fratantoni, Thomas J. Weingartner, Peigen Lin
Wednesday 9th @ 1510-1530
M3-The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem, Conference Room 5
Asymmetric Tropical Ocean Responses to ENSO: In Observations and CMIP5 Models
Shan He* , Jin-Yi Yu, Song Yang, Shih-Wei Fang
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
P2-Ocean-atmosphere interactions and climate, Concert Hall
Global ocean modeling at kilometer scale mesh resolution for studying ocean eddies, fronts, and air-sea exchanges  (Invited)
Dimitris Menemenlis*
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
P4-Eddies, fronts, air-sea exchange, Conference Room 4
Spatial variability of sedimentary organic carbon in the Yellow River Estuary
Yu Zhitong* , Wang Xiujun, Yao Wei
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
C1-Organic matter: river-estuary-ocean, Conference Hall
Short-term dynamics of sea surface pCO2 in a large subtropical estuary system
Yangyang Zhao* , Yi Xu, Xianghui Guo, Minhan Dai
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
C4-SOLAS, Conference Room 7
Insights into the Multiple Roles of Programmed Cell Death Markers at Different Growth Stages and Diel Cycle in Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis
Yida Gao* , Deana Erdner
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
B1-Harmful algal blooms, Multifunction Hall
Reconstructing the upper ocean thermal structure in the western Philippine Sea over the past 700 kyr
Qi Jia* , Tiegang Li, Zhifang Xiong
Wednesday 9th @ 1530-1550
G2-Ocean, atmosphere & climate: modern and past, Conference Room 1
Biogeochemical-Argo: Status and Implementation Plan
Kenneth Johnson* , Herve Claustre
Wednesday 9th @ 1610-1650
Keynote, Conference Hall
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