Ocean eddies, fronts, and air-sea exchanges: Observations and high resolution simulations

Island wakes in shallow water
Wednesday 9th @ 1350-1410, Conference Room 4
Changming Dong* , Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
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Island wakes in shallow water are investigated using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). In contrast to deep water where bottom stress can be neglected in island wakes, shallow water implies that inhom- ogeneity in the bottom stress plays an important role in the wake vorticity generation. A series of numerical exper- iments are conducted to investigate wake formation and evolution in shallow water. It is found that the vertical structures of shallow-water and deep-water wakes are significantly different because of the presence of a density frontal jet, which results from the interaction between stratification and bottom topography. The frontal jet reaches its maximum within the bottom boundary layer over the shelf, giving rise to vorticity. The potential vor- ticity (PV) balance analysis reveals that frictional and diapycnal processes play different roles in the PV anomalies. With the absence of lateral stress (i.e., a sea mountain case), the surface vorticity becomes much weaker than that in the presence of an island.