Surface Ocean and Lower Atmosphere Study¡ªAir-Sea interactions and their climatic and environmental impacts

Hygroscopicity of marine aerosols and its link with chemical composition
Wednesday 9th @ 1130-1150, Conference Room 7
Zhijun Wu* , Peking University
Shan Huang, Jinan University
Laurent Poulain, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Hermann Hartmut, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Alfred Wiedensohler, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Presenter Email:

The hygroscopicity of marine aerosols is a key factor determining the aerosol optical properties and the ability of particles to serve as CCN, and further, playing an important role in direct and indirect global radiative forcing3. Moreover, the particle hygroscopicity can be used to indirectly infer the particle chemical composition. For the range of water supersaturations typical of marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds and the chemical composition of marine aerosols, the CCN population is dominated by particles between 40 and 300 nm in diameter 4. The particle mass concentration of this size range (40-300 nm) is typically quite low, especially in the remote marine atmosphere. The hygroscopicity measurements may provide an insight into the chemical composition, thus, identify the sources. Therefore, understanding hygroscopicity of marine aerosols is vital to describe their climate effects and further explain the physicochemical processes in the marine atmosphere. In the our study, metadata were obtained during three cruises measurements onboard “Polarstern” research vessel carried out over Atlantic Ocean. We will present: (1) Spatial and seasonal variations of particle hygroscopicity; (2) The effects of meteorological parameters, especially wind speed, on particle hygroscopicity; (3) Link the particle hygroscopicity and the high-time resolution chemical composition. This study will provide a deep insight into the hygroscopicity of marine sub-micrometer particle and it’s link with chemical composition.
