Surface Ocean and Lower Atmosphere Study¡ªAir-Sea interactions and their climatic and environmental impacts

Influence of biomass burning on marine aerosols over the South China Sea
Wednesday 9th @ 1450-1510, Conference Room 7
Senchao Lai* , South China University of Technology
Junwei Song, South China University of Technology
Yan Zhao, South China University of Technology
Yingyi Zhang, South China University of Technology
Pingqing Fu, Tianjin University
Presenter Email:
Atmospheric aerosols in the marine boundary layer play important roles in air quality and climate change from regional to global scale. The level and composition of marine aerosols are strongly influenced by marine production, secondary reactions and continental contribution via long-range transport. The South China Sea (SCS) is a marginal sea surrounded by fast-developing regions, leading to a rapid increase of pollutants from various sources such as power plants, industrial sources, and biomass burning etc.. Here we present the results of our observation on atmospheric aerosols over the SCS. During the sampling campaigns, total suspended particle samples were collected and various techniques were applied for chemical characterization. Chemical components including water-soluble ions (WSI), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), organic species and stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13CTC) were measured. The results suggest that biomass burning had strong influence on the enhancements of organic pollutants over the SCS. This finding is supported by the concurrent elevations of biomass burning tracers and organic aerosols, values of stable carbon isotope ratios as well as the analysis of back-trajectories and satellite fire spots. Moreover, the connection between biomass burning and chloride depletion was also observed and will be discussed in this contribution.