Ocean-atmosphere interactions and multi-scale climate variability in a changing climate

The role of tropical basin-interactions in climate predictability  (Invited)
Wednesday 9th @ 1330-1350, Concert Hall
Noel Keenlyside* , University of Bergen, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Dietmar Dommenget,
Eleftheria Exarchou,
Yu Kosaka,
Jing-Jia Luo,
Daniela Matei,
Elsa Mohino,
Andrew Robertson,
Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca,
Nicolas Vigaud,
Presenter Email:
The existence of basin-scale interactions is presenting exciting new possibilities for enhancing climate prediction globally. This talk focuses on interactions among tropical ocean basins on sub-seasonal, seasonal, and decadal timescales. On sub-seasonal timescales, the Madden-Julian Oscillation connects variability in three tropical oceans, affecting rainfall and tropical cyclones. The global impact of ENSO is well known on interannual time-scales. It is also now recognised that the Indian and Atlantic Oceans significantly impact the Pacific, and that these interactions are important for understanding ENSO properties. On decadal timescales similar two-way interactions occur. The influence of the Atlantic has recently drawn great attention for its role in the global warming hiatus. In addition, these interactions can explain decadal variations in African, Indian, and Asian monsoons. The representation of these interactions by climate models will be discussed.