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唐甜甜  博士

Tiantian Tang
Associate Professor
Email: tiantian.tang@xmu.edu.cn
论文著作 Publications

Kang, P., Ma L., H. Zhang, Dai X, Liu J, Chen W., and T. Tang*. 2024. Amino acid carbon isotope profiles provide insight into lability and origins of particulate organic
matter. Limnol. Oceanogr. 69, 1247–1259.
Gonzalez-Nayeck, A. C., W. Mohr, T. Tang, S. Sattin, M. N. Parenteau, L. L. Jahnke,
and A. Pearson. 2022. Absence of canonical trophic levels in a microbial mat.
Geobiology 00: 1–15. doi:10.1111/gbi.12511
Peihong Kang, Han Zhang, Zixiang Yang, Yifan Zhu, Biyan He, Qing Li, Cindy Lee, Tiantian Tang*, 2021, A model of algal organic carbon distributions in the Pearl River estuary using the amino acid carbon isotope values, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 294, 1-12.
Yang Z., Zhang H., Kang P., Zhao Y. and Tang T.* 2020, Influence of Algal Production
and Decomposition on the Carbon Isotope Signature of Labile Particulate Organic Matter4
on a Productive Continental Shelf Under the Stress of Coastal Hypoxia. Frontiers in
Marine Science. 7.
Cisternas-Novoa, C., C. Lee, T. Tang, R. de Jesus, and A. Engel. 2019. Effects of Higher
CO2 and Temperature on Exopolymer Particle Content and Physical Properties of Marine Aggregates. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 1–17. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00500
Tang,T.*, Mohr, W., Sattin,S.R., Rogers, D.R., Girguis, P.R., Pearson A.*, 2017,
Geochemically-distinct carbon isotope distributions in Allochromatium vinosum DSM
180T grown photoautotrophically and photoheterotrophically. Geobiology, 15(2): 324-
Tang, T.*, Katherine C. Filippino, Zhanfei Liu, Margaret Mulholland, Cindy Lee, 2017,
Peptide hydrolysis and uptake of peptide hydrolysis products in the James River Estuary and lower Chesapeake Bay, Marine chemistry, 197, 52-63.
Tang,T.* and Lee,C., 2016, The role of surface layer proteins in the degradation of a
photosynthetic prokaryote, the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp., Marine Chemistry,
186: 33-45
Mohr, W., Tang, T., Sattin, SR., Bovee, RJ., Pearson A., 2014, Protein stable isotope
fingerprinting: Multidimensional protein chromatography coupled to stable isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 86(17): 8514-8520.
Tang, T.*, Kisslinger, K., Lee, C., 2014, Silicate deposition during decomposition of
cyanobacteria may promote export of picophytoplankton to the deep ocean. Nature
Communications, 5
Engel, A., Cisternas Novoa, C., Wurst, M., Endres, S., Tang, T., Schartau, M., Lee, C.,
2014, No detectable effect of CO2 on elemental stoichiometry of Emiliania huxleyi in
nutrient-limited acclimated continuous cultures, Marine Ecology Progress Series,
Liu, Z., Kobiela, M., McKee, GA., Tang, T., Lee, C., Mulholland, MR., Hatcher, PG.,
2009, The effect of chemical structure on the hydrolysis of tetrapeptides along a river-toocean transect: AVFA and SWGA. Marine Chemistry, 119: 108-120.
Dai, MH., Meng, FF., Tang, TT., Kao, SJ., Lin, JR., Chen, JH., Huang, JC., Tian, JW.,
Gan, JP., Yang, S., 2009, Excess total organic carbon in the intermediate water of the
South China Sea and its export to the North Pacific, Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems, 10(12): 1-9,
Cai, PH., Chen, WF., Dai, MH., Wan, ZW., Wang DX., Li Q., Tang TT., Lv DV., 2008,
A high-resolution study of particle export in the southern South China Sea based on Th-234 : U-238 disequilibrium, Journal of Geophysical Research –Oceans, 113: C04019
Cai, PH., Dai, MH., Chen, WF., Tang TT., Zhou KB., 2006, On the importance of the
decay of Th-234 in determining size-fractionated C/Th-234 ratio on marine particles
Geophysical Research Letters, 33: L23602.
Dai, MH., Guo, XG., Zhai, WD., Yuan LY., Wang BW., Wang LF., Cai PH., Tang TT.,
Cai WJ., 2006, Oxygen depletion in the upper reach of the Pearl River estuary during a
winter drought, 2006, Marine Chemistry, 102(1-2):159-169