Communicate Your Science: Outreach in the 21st Century
Knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China: what knowledge is exchanged, why, and how is this undertaken?
Ying Zheng* , Larissa A. Naylor, Susan Waldron, David M. Oliver
Tuesday 8th @ 0930-0940, Multifunction Hall
Scientists and educators cooperation: using mobile microscope observes plankton to initiate ocean stewardship
Chia-Dai (Ray) Yen* , Li-Shu Chen
Tuesday 8th @ 0940-0950, Multifunction Hall
Rebranding nuisance: using education and outreach to promote understanding, interest and participation in citizen science about jellyfish in Israel
Philip Nemoy* , Dori Edelist, Dror Angel
Tuesday 8th @ 0950-1000, Multifunction Hall
The Contribution of marine geology to the Ocean Literacy Process
Francesca Alvisi*
Tuesday 8th @ 1000-1010, Multifunction Hall
Ocean outreach & socail media: From lab to public
Wencui Zeng*
Tuesday 8th @ 1010-1020, Multifunction Hall
Cool Science: Children educating adults through their art on buses  (Invited)
Robert F. Chen* , Jill Lohmeier
Tuesday 8th @ 1020-1030, Multifunction Hall
Graphical abstracts: How to master the latest trend in publishing  (Invited)
Tullio Rossi*
Tuesday 8th @ 1030-1040, Multifunction Hall
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