Communicate Your Science: Outreach in the 21st Century

Scientists and educators cooperation: using mobile microscope observes plankton to initiate ocean stewardship
Tuesday 8th @ 0940-0950, Multifunction Hall
Chia-Dai (Ray) Yen* , Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Education, National Taiwan Ocean University
Li-Shu Chen, Leader of Exhibition and Education Division, National Museum of Marine Science and Technology
Presenter Email:
Marine microbes play a very important part in the ecosystem. They are the primary productivities, the first level consumers, create the most energy to cultivate most marine biology, and absorb most carbon dioxide in the air. Marine microbes also have a huge influence on the environment and the economic from the food web system. However, most of the marine microbes size are small than 1 mm and hard to observe directly by eyes. Furthermore, the general marine education courses (includes formal and informal education) lack of marine popular science topics talk about planktons. It cases most of students know few about marine microbes. In 2010, NMEA (2010) first published Ocean Literacy framework. UNESCO also declared ocean literacy as the core of marine education promotion in 2017. Especially, the fifth principle of ocean literacy about primary productivities is a very important concept. Based on the experiential learning theory, this research took students to uses mobile microscope to observe microbes in intertidal zone, and leading students to identify the importance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the food web system. Through the instruction of marine educators educate the participants understand the concept of primary productivity. There were 180 students from 6 schools joined the microscopic ocean activities in Keelung Chaojing park. The result shows the significantly influence from the engagement of the microscope observation to ocean stewardship. The education project integrates marine scientist and filed educators to promote marine education, and could be a benchmark of marine education discipline.