Communicate Your Science: Outreach in the 21st Century

Graphical abstracts: How to master the latest trend in publishing  (Invited)
Tuesday 8th @ 1030-1040, Multifunction Hall
Tullio Rossi* , Animate Your Science
Presenter Email:
Most of us have been there. You spend months writing and revising your manuscript to perfection. You feel proud of it and you are certain that your target journal is going to welcome it on a red carpet. However, something unexpected happens. You cannot reach the end of the manuscript submission process because you don't have a graphical abstract? What on earth is this thing preventing me from submitting my amazing manuscript! Certainly, a useless waste of time! Calm down. Graphical abstracts have a place and a purpose in the publishing process. More and more journals are adopting them for a reason. In this talk, Dr. Tullio Rossi, Founder of Animate Your Science will explain what the purpose of graphical abstracts is, what they should look like and how you can easily create one.