Communicate Your Science: Outreach in the 21st Century

Ocean outreach & socail media: From lab to public
Tuesday 8th @ 1010-1020, Multifunction Hall
Wencui Zeng* , Xiamen University
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With the rapid development of marine science in China, how to effectively conduct outreach became one of the new and interesting aspects. Social media outreach is the process of using social networks to raise awareness for the content and build new relationships. It has been successfully applied in other areas, but few on ocean outreach in China recently. The shellfish research team in Xiamen University has cooperated with the Social media Giant "Weibo" to do the sustainability seafood outreach through a new brand Awesome Abalone since July 2018. By the articles and videos, we transform obscure laboratory knowledge into vivid and interesting popular science content, which is successfully accepted by the public. Through this activity, we believe that the social media could be one of the most important ocean outreach in future.