A regional workshop of GEOTRACES on August 25 - 27, 2005.
General Info | Participants | Abstracts | Agenda | Logistics | Discussion | Conference PPT | Summary | Speical Issue
General Information
List of Participants
Conference PPT
Speical Issue

¡¡ Logistics

The Compleat guide to Xiamen--Amoy Magic  

¡¤Introduction to Xiamen City:

¡¡¡¡Xiamen, also known as Amoy, is the historical harbor city in the southeastern part of China. In 2004 the city won the finals of the world¡¯s Human Settlements and Environment Award, ¡°Nations in Bloom¡±. Xiamen attracts a large number of foreign and local tourists. The city is easily accessible by air, and there are direct flights from Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo. Within China, Xiamen airport is linked to more than 30 domestic airports.

¡¤Introduction to Xiamen University:

¡¡¡¡The 3-day Symposium will be held in Xiamen University on Xiamen Island. The campus is located in a picturesque setting between the sea and a scenic mountain. The University, the premier university in Fujian Province, has a student number of over 200,000 and just celebrated its 83th anniversary. The campus is spread over 150 hectares, and all buildings and facilities are within walking distance.

¡¤Sightseeing possibilities:

APP-1   Horticultural and Botanical Garden ¨C ¡®Ten Thousand Rocks Hill¡¯.

     The scenic zone presents a picturesque and charming view full of special nature¡¯s delight. The botanical garden boasts over 4,000 kinds of tropical and subtropical plants. The exotic rocks in different shapes create various associations with a lasting appeal.

App-2 Old Fortress and Buddhist Monastery ¨C Nanputuo Temple with Special Vegetarian Lunch

     Nanputuo Temple exhibits the historic origin and cultural traits of our Eastern nation. Built in the Tang Dynasty (9th century), the temple seems to be towering in the mountains to show its impressively solemn and splendid architecture. A special vegetarian lunch will be arranged in the Buddhist restaurant inside the Temple. For centuries, Xiamen has been an important outpost of coastal defense in southeast China. The Hulishan Old Fortress was a military position built in 1823 in Qing Dynasty.

App-3 Jimei School Village Tour

     Jimei Town, 17 kilometers from Xiamen city covers an area of 2.83 square kilometers. In 1913, Tan Kah Kee, famous overseas Chinese, established Jimei School Village, which can be regarded as an epitome of China¡¯s educational system. It is also a special sightseeing area, presenting various sites including ¡°Fujian¡¯s Stone Carving Museum¡±.

¡¤APP-4 Gulang Island

     A mere 500 meters as the fly flies across the harbor from downtown Xiamen lies the famous 1.77 square kilometer island of Gulang Island (or "Drum Waves¡±, because the breakers pound the rocks like drums). Gulangyu Island possesses one asset almost unheard of elsewhere in China: quietness! Vehicles and bicycles are forbidden on the tiny island. The only sound you will hear on Gulangyu Island is pianos. This tiny community of 20,000 has more pianos per capita than anywhere else on the planet, hence Gulangyu Island`s nickname is "Piano Island."

¡¤App-5 Shopping

     Located throughout the city are tax-free department stores, supermarkets, shopping centers and markets for daily commodities. Xiamen is a place for shopping at your convenience.

¡¤Travel Information :

¡¡¡¡Xiamen International Airport is one of four leading international airports in China with excellent services and first-rate facilities. It has 57 air lines to and from places at home and abroad. It has direct flights to and from Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Japan. However, the most convenient international transition would be in Shanghai, Hong Kong or Guangzhou (60-80 minute flight to Xiamen).

¡¤Travel procedures:

¡¡¡¡Air travel to Xiamen. Please identify and prepare your own preferred travel itinerary for air travel to Xiamen. Once you have done this, please email the information about your selected flights to Lillie Wicher ( lwicher@lumcon.edu ) and she will make your flight reservations for you and pay for your tickets directly. Please do not make your own flight reservations because it will be impossible to reimburse you for air travel after the symposium is complete. If you have any questions about air travel procedures, please contact Michael Dagg (mdagg@lumcon.edu )
¡¡¡¡Transportation from Xiamen International Airport:
1. By taxi: Travel by taxi is the most convenient method. The fare is RMB£¤ 50-60 (about US$ 6.00 - 7.50) from Xiamen International Airport to Xiamen University.
2. By airport shuttle bus: Take the shuttle bus at the airport and get off at the Xiamen Railway Station bus stop [the fare to Xiamen Railway Station bus stop is RMB£¤ 5 (about US$ 0.80)], then by taxi (RMB£¤ 15-20, about US$ 2.00-2.50) to Xiamen University]. The Shuttle bus service runs from 7:00 to 21:00 daily.

¡¤ How to reach Lujiang Hotel

¡¡- Transportation from Xiamen International Airport to Lujiang Hotel will be arranged as far the local organizer knows your arrival dates and times. Other options are:
¡¡1. By taxi: Travel by taxi is the most convenient method. The fare is RMB£¤ 50-60 (about US$ 6.00 -7.50) from Xiamen International Airport to Lujiang Hotel.
¡¡2. By airport shuttle bus: Take the shuttle bus at the airport and get off at the Xiamen Railway Station bus stop [the fare to Xiamen Railway Station bus stop is RMB£¤ 5 (about US$ 0.80)], then by taxi (RMB£¤ 15-20, about US $2.00-2.50) to Lujiang Hotel. The Shuttle bus service runs from 7:00 to 21:00 daily.

¡¤Electricity :

¡¡¡¡220 Volts 50 Hz throughout the country.

¡¤Climate and Clothing

     August and September is the Summer Season in Xiamen with average temperatures between 28 ¨C 32¡ã C. The Conference site, hotels, taxies, shuttle buses, most of shops and some buses are well air-conditioned. Participants are advised to bring along light clothing. No formal dress will be required for any of the functions including the Conference Banquet.



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