A regional workshop of GEOTRACES on August 25 - 27, 2005.
General Info | Participants | Abstracts | Agenda | Logistics | Discussion | Conference PPT | Summary | Speical Issue

General Information
List of Participants
Conference PPT
Speical Issue

¡¡ Agenda
A regional workshop on GEOTRACES
August 25 - 27, 2005
Marine Environmental Laboratory
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Time Agenda Topic Items Presenter
Thursday, August 25
0830-1800:  Arrival and registration-Lujiang Hotel.
1900-2130:  Reception-Mandarin Hotel. Shuttle pickup at Lujiang Hotel at 6:30 pm

Friday, August 26, 2005
0840¨C0850 Opening and welcome remarks Huasheng Hong / Minhan Dai
0850¨C0910 Remarks from NSFC Representatives of NSFC
International Program, session chair: Yan Zheng
0910¨C1010 GEOTRACES program:
Research Objectives;
International coordination;
Status of existing national and regional efforts.
Bob Anderson and Gideon Henderson
1010-1040 Group pictures & break ¡¡
Presentations by Chinese scientists on existing ocean science programs, session chair: Hui Wang
1040-1140 Intro to existing Chinese Programs
 1) Polar Program;
 2) Open Ocean Program;
 3) China SOLAS;
 4) Chinese South China Sea Program.
Weijia Qing
Huaiyang Zhou
Minhan Dai
Shaoyong Chen
1140¨C1325 Lunch on site (Box lunch provided)  
Science talks by Chinese Scientists, session chair: Gideon Henderson
1325¨C1345 Isotope marine chemistry study in China Min Chen
1345-1405 Export productivity in the South China Sea using 234Th Pinghe Cai & Minhan Dai
1405-1425 Biogeochemistry of Settling Particles in the South China Sea and its Significance for Paleo-environment studies Jianfang Chen
1425-1445 Trace elements in marine carbonate minerals: tracers & proxies Shaojun Zhong
1445¨C1505 Applications of transition metal isotopes in paleo-oceanography Xiangkui Zhu
1505¨C1535 Coffee/tea break  
1535-1555 The application of carbon isotopes on paleo-geochemical studies Xuchen Wang
1555¨C1615 Water column calibration of organic geochemical proxies for paleo-oceanographic application. Meixun Zhao
1615¨C1635 Nd and Pb isotope evolution of the oceans and their implications for environment change Hongfei Ling
1635¨C1650 Some thoughts on China Geotraces Program Minhan Dai
1650-1830 Open discussion:
strategies to link current Chinese projects to GEOTRACES.
Discussion leaders:
Huasheng Hong/Min Chen
Evening Dinner at Jiu-Long Tang Restaurant hosted by MEL

Saturday, August 27
Presentations by regional scientists, session chair: Meixun Zhao
0830-0910 The role of submarine groundwater discharge in GEOTRACES and the status of Japan's GEOTRACES Jing Zhang
0910-0935 Marine biogeochemistry of trace elements: biological aspects Wen-Xiong Wang
0935¨C1000 Trace metal compositions of marine plankton Tung-Yuan Ho
1000-1025 Marine geochemistry of actinides (tentative title) Dong Soo Lee
1025-1050 What can be learned from a Northwest Pacific GEOTRACES transect? Yan Zheng
1050-1105 Break  
1105-1225 Open Discussion:
 Do we need a Pacific regional network?
 Presentations from each nation/region concerning interests in open-ocean work/marginal seas, with emphasis on NW Pacific transect.
Discussion leaders:
Gideon Henderson/
Jing Zhang/
Dong Soo Lee
1225¨C1330 Lunch on site (Box lunch provided)  
Regional Geotraces initiatives, session chair: Robert Anderson
1330¨C1500 Group discussion:
overall research objectives of open ocean cruises;
strategies to secure funding for open-ocean cruises.
Discussion leaders:Gideon Henderson/
Jing Zhang/
Dong Soo Le/
Weijia Qing/
Huaiyang Zhou
1500-1520 Break  
1520-1640 Group discussion:
enabling activities needed to permit full participation (e.g., standardization and calibration of methods; provision of standard reference materials; transfer of clean sampling technology)
Discussion leaders:
Shaojun Zhong/
Wen Xiong Wang/
Tung-Yuan Ho/
Xiangkui Zhu
1640-1820 ¡°The Way Forward¡± ¨Ctasks to be completed:
to create a Chinese GEOTRACS program;
to build partnerships among Asian/Pacific regions;
to build partnerships between Asian/Pacific regions and the US;
to assign responsibilities to complete these tasks with time table for their completion.
Discussion leaders:
Gideon Henderson/
Yan Zheng
Evening Banquet at Xiamen University Guest House Hosted by Xiamen University

  Additional Guidelines/information:

  1.The time assigned for all presentations include 5 mins of discussion time.
  2.We anticipant documents/summary being generated from the workshop and we would be very grateful if session chairs and discussion leaders to summarize each session and discussion.
  3.A pick-up shuttle will depart 30 mins prior to the meeting in the morning of Aug 26 and 27. Return to the hotel is on your own.
  4.Transportation between the airport and the hotel will be arranged as far as we are informed of your arrival and departure time.




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