
朱旭东 博士
福建省厦门市翔安区翔安南路厦门大学环境与生态学院B312,邮编361102 |
Dr. Xudong Zhu
B312, College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, South Xiang'an Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China 361102 |
Email: xdzhu@xmu.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
Brief CV |
厦门大学 教授(2024-)
厦门大学 副教授(2015-2024)
劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室/科罗拉多州立大学 博士后(2014-2015)
普渡大学 地球科学博士(2014)
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 生态学硕士(2010)
华东师范大学 地理科学学士(2007)
Professor, Xiamen University (2024-)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2015-2024)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/Colorado State University (2014-2015)
Ph.D. in Earth Science, Purdue University (2014)
M.S. in Ecology, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2010)
B.S. in Geographic Science, East China Normal University (2007)
Research Interests |
Wetland Carbon Cycles, Coastal Remote Sensing, Ecosystem Modeling
Selected Publications |
Zhu, X.*, J. Chen, L. Li, M. Li, T. Li, Z. Qin, F. Wang, and X. Zhao (2024). Asynchronous methane and carbon dioxide fluxes drive temporal variability of mangrove blue carbon sequestration. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2023GL107235.
Zhu, X.*, M. Ma, L. Li and M. Li (2024). Impacts of intensive smooth cordgrass removal on net ecosystem exchange in a saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone of Southeast China. Science of The Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173202.
Zhang, Y., X. Guo and X. Zhu* (2023). Strong diurnal variability of carbon dioxide flux over algae-shellfish aquaculture ponds revealed by eddy covariance measurements. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108426.
Zhu, X.*, Z. Qin and L. Song* (2021). How land-sea interaction of tidal and sea breeze activity affect mangrove net ecosystem exchange? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2020JD034047.
Zhu, X.*, Y. Hou, Y. Zhang, X. Lu, Z. Liu and Q. Weng (2021). Potential of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence for indicating mangrove canopy photosynthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, doi: 10.1029/2020JG006159.
Zhu, X.*, Y. Hou, Q. Weng and L. Chen (2019). Integrating UAV optical imagery and LiDAR data for assessing the spatial relationship between mangrove and inundation across a subtropical estuarine wetland. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 149: 146-156, doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2019.01.021.
Affiliations/Service |
国家自然科学基金委 函评专家; 福建省气象学会气候变化与生态气象专业委员会 副主任; 福建省海洋学会 理事; 福建省湿地保护专家库 专家; 厦门市应对气候变化专家库 专家
Associate Editor: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution; Frontiers in Environmental Science; Frontiers in Earth Science
Young Editorial Board Member: Journal of Remote Sensing; 遥感学报; 遥感技术与应用; 应用生态学报
Peer Reviewer for > 60 journals: Aquaculture; Atmosphere; Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; Agronomy Journal; Atmospheric Environment; Atmospheric Research; Biogeosciences; Drones; Ecological Indicators; Ecological Modelling; Ecological Processes; Ecosystem Health and Sustainability; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Environmental Research Communications; Environmental Research Letters; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Environmental Science & Technology; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Frontiers in Earth Science; Frontiers in Plant Science; Frontiers in Marine Science; Geoscientific Model Development; GIScience & Remote Sensing; Global Change Biology; International Journal of Remote Sensing; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry; Journal of Earth Science; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Environmental Sciences; Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences; Journal of Hydrology; Journal of Mountain Science; Journal of Plant Ecology; Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing; Land; Limnology and Oceanography; Limnology and Oceanography Letters; Marine Pollution Bulletin; National Science Review; Natural Hazards; Nature Food; Plant and Soil; Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation; Science of the Total Environment; Scientific Reports; Sensors; Sustainability; Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing; Water; Wetlands; 草业科学; 地理学报; 海洋学研究; 湖泊科学; 环境科学学报; 科技导报; 气象研究与应用; 生物多样性; 厦门大学学报; 遥感技术与应用; 遥感学报; 植物生态学报; 中国科学基金; 中国科学数据