
周宽波 博士
周隆泉楼A1-412室 海洋碳循环研究组 |
Kuanbo Zhou
Associate Professor
Room A1-412, Zhoulongquan Bldg |
Email: kbzhou@xmu.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
Brief CV |
2021/12- 厦门大学海洋与地球学院 副教授
09/2004-07/2008 M.Sc. Marine Biogeochemistry, Xiamen University
03/2010-03/2011Guest Student, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (hosted by Prof. Ken Buesseler)
09/2008-11/2012 Ph.D. Marine Biogeochemistry, Xiamen University (Advisors: Profs. Minhan Dai and Ken O. Buesseler)
12/2012-10/2014 Assistant Research Scientist, State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
10/2014-04/2017 Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (Supervised by Prof. Ed Boyle, MIT)
05/2017-12/2021 Associate Research Scientist, State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
12/2021- Associate Professor, Xiamen University
Research Interests |
海洋中痕量金属 (比如:铁)以及同位素的来源及其在海洋中的循环过程。
Export fluxes of key elements (e.g. C/N/P/Si) and their coupling/decoupling
Marine radiochemistry focusing on Uranium-Thorium Series
Biogeochemical response on marine mesoscale and submesoscale processes
Trace metal biogeochemistry
Selected Publications |
Zhou, K.B., Benitez-Nelson, C.R., Huang, J., Xiu, P., Sun, Z.Y., and Dai, M.H., (2021). Cyclonic eddies modulate temporal and spatial decoupling of particulate carbon, nitrogen and biogenic silica export in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.11895
Zhou, K.B., Dai, M.H., Wang, L., Xiu, P., Hu, J.Y., and Benitez-Nelson, C., (2020). Transient enhancement and decoupling of carbon vs opal export in cyclonic eddies, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 125, e2020JC016372. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016372.
Zhou, K.B., Dai, M.H., Maiti, K., Chen, W.F., Chen, J.H., Hong, Q.Q., Ma, Y.F., Xiu, P., Wang, L., and Xie, Y.Y., (2020). Impacted of physical and biogeochemical forcing on particle export in the South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography 187, 102403
Zhou, K.B., Maiti, K., Dai, M.H., Kao, S.-J. and Buesseler K. (2016), Does adsorption of dissolved organic carbon and thorium onto membrane filters affect the carbon to thorium ratios, a primary parameter in estimating export carbon flux? Marine Chemistry, 184, 1-10, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2016.06.004
Zhou, K.B., Dai, M.H., Kao, S.-J., Wang, L., Xiu, P., Chai, F., Tian, J.W., and Liu, Y. (2013), Apparently enhanced 234Th-based particle export associated with anticyclonic eddies, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381, 198-209
Zhou, K.B., Nodder, S.D., Dai, M.H., and Hall, J.A. (2012), Insignificant enhancement of export flux in the highly productive subtropical front, east of New Zealand: a high resolution study of particle export fluxes based on 234Th:238U disequilibria,Biogeosciences9, 973-992, doi:10.5194/bg-9-973-2012
Affiliations/Service |
Frontiers in Marine Sciences: Review Editor
海洋学报: 青年编委
Journal Reviewers: Marine Chemistry; Acta Oceanologia Sinica; Earth System Science Data; Geophysical Research Letters; Global Biogeochemical Cycles; Biogeosciences; Frontiers in Marine Science; Communications Earth & Environment; Science China- Earth Sciences; Environmental Microbiology; Ocean Dynamics; Global and Planetary Change; Limnology and Oceanography; Progress in Oceanography