
李继秋 博士
福建省厦门市翔安区翔安南路厦门大学环境与生态学院 |
Jiqiu Li
College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, South Xiangan Road No. 4221, Xiangan District, Xiamen, Fujian 361102, China |
Tel: 19906059816 Email: lijiqiu@xmu.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
Brief CV |
中国海洋大学 博士 (2001.09-2004.06)
上海海洋大学 (原上海水产大学) 讲师 (2004.07-2005.08)
华南师范大学 讲师 (2005.09-2007.12)
中国海洋大学 博士后 (2007.04-2009.12)
华南师范大学 副教授 (2007.12-2011.12)
利物浦大学 访问学者 (2011.05-2012.05)
华南师范大学 研究员 (2011.12-2019.10)
厦门大学 教授 (2019.11-至今)
Ph.D., Ocean University of China (2001.09-2004.06)
Lecturer, Shanghai Ocean University (formerly Shanghai Fisheries University) (2004.07-2005.08)
Lecturer, South China Normal University (2005.09-2007.12)
Postdoctoral Research, Ocean University of China (2007.04-2009.12)
Associate professor, South China Normal University (2007.12-2011.12)
Visiting scholar, University of Liverpool (2011.05-2012.05)
Professor, South China Normal University (2011.12-2019.10)
Professor, Xiamen University (2019.11- present)
Research Interests |
Community Ecology of Protozoa:To explore the biodiversity of protozoa in typical coastal habitats and its response patterns and mechanisms to environmental change;
Population Ecology of Protozoa:Using protozoa as model animals to investigate the influence of environmental factors on intraspecific/inter-species action with note on its changing law;
Toxicology Ecology of Protozoa:To determine the biological response of protozoa to typical pollutants in the environment from different biological levels for carrying out ecological toxicity assessment and environmental risk assessment.
Selected Publications |
Xin Chen, Hao Yang, Jie Fan, Jiqiu Li*, Warren, A., Lin, X. Toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the model ciliate Paramecium multimicronucleatum: molecular mechanisms of activation are dose-and particle size-dependent, European Journal of Protistology, 2021. Doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.ejop.2021.125792
Jing Yang, Wei Hu, Yalin Tan, Alan Warren, Xiaofeng Lin, Jiqiu Li*. Combined effects of food resources and exposure to ammonium nitrogen on population growth performance in the bacterivorous ciliate Paramecium caudatum. European Journal of Protistology, 2019, 71: 125631
Yuanyuan Ruan, Yingfeng Dou, Jingyi Chen, Alan Warren, Jiqiu Li*, Xiaofeng Lin. Evaluation of phenol-induced ecotoxicity in two model ciliate species: Population growth dynamics and antioxidant enzyme activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 166: 176-185
Yazhen Hong, Yalin Tan, Yang Meng, Hao Yang, Yu Zhang, Alan Warren, Jiqiu Li*, Xiaofeng Lin. Evaluation of biomarkers for ecotoxicity assessment by dose-response dynamic models: Effects of nitrofurazone on antioxidant enzymes in the model ciliated protozoan Euplotes vannus. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2017, 144: 552-559
Yazhen Hong, Xiaofeng Lin, Xudong Cui, Liang Zhou, Khaled A. S. Al-Rasheid, Jiqiu Li*. Comparative evaluation of genotoxicity induced by nitrofurazone in two ciliated protozoa by detecting DNA strand breaks and DNA–protein crosslinks. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 54: 153-160
Patent |
国家发明专利(ZL 2020 1 0016604.0.). 一种自由生纤毛虫原生动物培养基及其用途. 2020.11 . 李继秋*; 郭星星; 于子悦; 李钗; 陈新; 林晓凤
国家实用新型专利(ZL 2018 2 2011780.6). 一种用于研究微、小型水生生物捕食效应的实验培养板. 2019.07 . 李继秋*; 于子悦; 陈新; 林晓凤
国家实用新型专利(ZL201921395543.2). 一种用于研究红树林土壤中原生动物的晾晒及收集装置. 2020.05 . 吴磊*; 梁宇涛; 李继秋
Affiliations/Service |
国际学术期刊Frontiers in Marine Science 中Global Change and the Future Ocean的Review Editor