
Tentative Schedule

Day 0, August 19 (Monday)

Arrival in Malaysia and onsite registration

Day 1, August 20 (Tuesday)

Time Planned Events Lecturer(s)
08:30-09:00 Welcome!
Schedule of Events 
Minhan Dai &
Ken O. Buesseler
09:00-10:30 Overview talk 1: Basics of radioactivity Claudia Benitez-Nelson
10:30-10:45 Coffee/Tea break
10:45-12:15 Overview talk 2: Introduction to marine radioactivity Ken O. Buesseler
12:15-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:30 Overview talk 3: Radio isotopes as tracers in the sea Pere Masqué
15:30-15:45 Coffee/Tea break
15:45-17:15 Overview talk 4: Impact of radionuclides on marine ecosystem Sabine Charmasson
17:15-17:45 Discussion  
17:45 Group photo  
18:00 Dinner  

Day 2, August 21 (Wednesday)

Field Day: Please wear appropriate clothing for being in the field!

Time Planned Events Lecturer(s)
09:00-09:30 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity I:
Applications to biological pump studies
Minhan Dai
09:30-10:00 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity II: Long-lived radionuclides for the study of water masses in the North Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean Núria Casacuberta Arola
10:00-10:30 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity III:
Applications to sediment dating
Pere Masqué
10:30-10:50 Tea break
10:50-11:20 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity I: Applications to submarine groundwater discharge studies Willard S. Moore
11:20-11:50 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity VI:
Methods in marine radioactivity and instrumentation
All Lecturers
11:50-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-17:00 Head to the field. Field sampling will focus on sample collection and initial field processing. 
17:00-18:00 Samples processing in the lab of CAMS: filtration

Field sampling: (low tide)

1)Sediment sampling
2)Submarine groundwater sampling
3)Seawater sampling:MnO2 precipitation

Day 3, August 22 (Thursday)

Lab Practicals (see below) : Lab session will occur in 3 rotating groups:
1. RADECC/Alpha, 2. Gamma, 3. Beta RISO.
These sessions include principle and operation of the instrument and data processing.

Time Planned Events Lecturer(s)
08:15-08:30 Departure by 08:15
Bus departs 08:30
09:00-09:15 Schedule for the day
09:15-10:00 Introduction of Radiochemistry and Environment Laboratory, Malaysian Nuclear Agency : Lab tour
10:00-11:30 Block 1
11:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:00 Block 2
15:00-15:15 Coffee/Tea break
15:15-16:45 Block 3
16:45-17:30 Q&A
17:30 Group photo
18:30-20:30 Group Dinner-all invited (details in “logistics”)

Day 4, August 23 (Friday)

Time Planned Events Lecturer(s)
09:00-09:30 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity II: Assessment of radioactivity associated with the releases from Fukushima Ken O. Buesseler
09:30-10:00 Specific lecture in marine radioactivity II TBC
10:00-11:30 Roundtable discussion: Strategies for establishing an academic network on marine radioactivity
11:30-12:00 Closing
Afternoon Free time or travel home
Lab practicals
Students will be broken into three groups and go through training in each of the three detector types. We anticipate that there will be ~9 students per group. Due to time limitations, alpha, beta and gamma spectrometry samples will be prepared/processed beforehand and trainees will be instructed on how to use these instruments. For RaDeCC, trainees will be instructed on how to process and measure samples. The arrangements are as follows:









prepared disc

Núria Casacuberta Arola & Weifang Chen




Samples with the aged seawater

Ken Buesseler & Junwen Wu



dissolved 223Ra and 224Ra

groundwater samples

Willard Moore & Guizhi Wang



210Pb, 137Cs, 226Ra, 228Ra

sediment samples and BaSO4 precipitated Ra

Pere Masque & Claudia Benitez-Nelson