Honors Awards
- 福建省优秀科技论文二等奖(2010)
- 厦门大学第六届青年教师技能大赛二等奖(2012)
- 厦门大学第七届青年教师技能大赛二等奖(2013)
- 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才(生态学)(2014)
- 厦门大学“林鹏生态奖教金”(2015)
- 厦门大学“中国银行奖教金”(2019)
- 厦门大学优秀妇女工作者(2015-2021)
- 2019年指导厦门大学环境与生态学院学生和马来西亚分校学生参加中国-马来西亚青年创新大赛暨第五届中国“互联网+”大赛国际赛道马来西亚区域,获得社会企业组一等奖(第一指导老师)
- 福建省高层次人才B类(2023)
- The 2nd award of National Postdoctoral Science Fund, 2006-2008.
- The 2nd award of The 9th Excellent Natural Scientific Research Paper Award in Fujian Province of China in 2010.
- The 2nd award of The 6th Teaching skills competition in Xiamen University in 2012.
- The 2nd award of The 7th Teaching skills competition in Xiamen University in 2013.
- The new century excellent talent support program of Fujian Province in 2014.
- The Linpeng Ecology Award for Outstanding Teacher in Xiamen University in 2015.
- The Zhonghang Award for Outstanding Teacher in Xiamen University in 2019.
- Outstanding Women Award of Xiamen University (2015-2021)
- High-level Talents B category of Fujian Province in 2023.