论文著作 Publications
Wu S, Gu X, Zheng Y, Chen L*. Nocturnal sap flow as compensation for water deficits: an implicit water-saving strategy used by mangroves in stressful environments. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023. 14:1118970. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1118970 |
陈一宁,陈鹭真*. 滨海蓝碳生态系统的碳库间相互作用研究进展及展望. 海洋学研究 2023, 41: 3-13. doi:10.3959-j.issn.1001-909X.2023.01.001 |
陈一宁*,张子严,陈鹭真,张家林,刘兵,夏小明,王欣凯,蔡廷禄. 杭州湾南岸滨海盐沼碳库的季节性变化.海洋学研究 2023,41:55-67. doi:10.3959-j.issn.1001-909X.2023.01.005 |
Chen Y, Chen L, Zhang Z, Cai T*. Tidal creeks mediate micro-climate within artificial mangroves at their northmost boundary in China. Ecological Engineering 2023, 192: 106970. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.106970 |
Lin Q, Chen L*, Zhang J, Wang L, Yu X, Guo Q. How fine root turnover functions during mangrove root zone expansion and affects belowground carbon processes. Plant Soil 2023, doi:10.1007/s11104-023-05985-w |
Gu X#, Qiao P#, Krauss KW, Lovelock CE, Adams JB, Chapman SK, Jenerjahn TC, Lin Q, Chen L*. Changes in mangrove blue carbon under elevated atmospheric CO2. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2023, 9: 0033. doi:10.34133/ehs.0033 |
Krauss KW*, Lovelock CE, Chen L, Berger U, Ball MC, Reef R, Peters R, Bowen H, Vovides, AG, Ward EJ, Wimmler MC, Carr J, Bunting P, Duberstein JA. Mangroves provide blue carbon ecological value at a low freshwater cost. Scientific Reports 2022, 12: 17636. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-21514-8 |
Ratul SB#, Gu X#, Qiao P, Sagala FW, Shu N, Islam N, Chen L*. Blue carbon sequestration following mangrove restoration: evidence from a carbon neutral case in China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2022, 8: 2101547. doi:10.1080/20964129.2022.2101547 |
Su J*, Yin B, Chen L, Gasparatos A. Priority areas for mixed-species mangrove restoration: the suitable species in the right sites. Environmental Research Letters 2022, 17: 065001. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac6b48 |
Chen G, Hong W, Gu X, Krauss KW, Zhao K, Fu H, Chen L, Wang M, Wang W. Coupling near-surface geomorphology with mangrove community diversity at the estuarine scale: A case study at Dongzhaigang Bay, China. Sedimentology 2022. doi:10.1111/sed.13030. |
Zhang J, Lin Q, Peng Y, Pan L, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Chen L*. Distributions of the non native mangrove Sonneratia apetala in China: based on Google Earth Imagery and field survey. Wetlands 2022, 42:35. doi:10.1007/s13157-022-01556-4 |
陈鹭真*. 地表高程监测在滨海蓝碳碳收支评估中的应用. 海洋与湖沼 2022, 53(2): 261-268. doi:10.11693/hyhz20210800177 |
Feng H, Gu X, Tang T, Lin Q, Ratul SB, Wang X, Chen L*. Determining the effects of salinity and light on key ecophysiological traits of two nonnative mangrove species in China. Journal of Coastal Research 2022, 38(2): 361-368. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-21-00070.1 |
Gu X, Zhao H, Peng C, Guo X, Lin Q, Yang Q, Chen L*. The mangrove blue carbon sink potential: Evidence from three net primary production assessment methods. Forest Ecology and Management 2022, 504: 119848. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119848 |
Chen L*, Lin Q, Krauss KW, Zhang Y, Cormier N, Yang Q. Forest thinning in the seaward fringe speeds up surface elevation increment and carbon accumulation in managed mangrove forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 2021, 58: 1899-1909. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13939 |
Gu X, Yang C, Zhao H, Hu N, Krauss KW, Deng C, Chen L*. Sap flow evidence of chilling injury and recovery in mangroves following a spring cold spell. Trees Structure and Function 2021, 35: 907-917. doi:10.1007/s00468-021-02089-9 |
Hong P, Wen Y, Xiong Y, Diao L, Gu X, Feng H, Yang C, Chen L*. Latitudinal gradients and climatic controls on reproduction and dispersal of the nonnative mangrove Sonneratia apetala in China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2021, 248: 106749. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.10674 |
陈鹭真*,潘良浩,邱广龙. 中国滨海蓝碳及其人为活动影响. 广西科学院学报 2021, 37(3): 186-194. doi:10.13657/j.cnki.gxkxyxb.20210927.006 |
严雪婷,顾肖璇,陈鹭真*. 红树植物生活史过程的能量利用策略. 生态学杂志 2021, 40(1): 245-254. doi:10.13292/j.1000-4890.202101.001 |
潘文,潘浩,林秋莲,陈鹭真*. 九龙江口秋茄红树林凋落物年季动态及繁殖物候特征. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版) 2020. doi:10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.202007030 |
陈一宁*,陈鹭真,蔡廷禄,夏小明. 滨海湿地生物地貌学进展及在生态修复中的应用展望. 海洋与湖沼 2020, 51(5): 1055-1065. |
Chen L*, Feng H, Gu X, Dong Y, Cheng P, Guo X, Lin Q, Tang T, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Yang S. Linkages of flow regime and micro-topography: prediction for non-native mangrove invasion under sea-level rise. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2020. doi:10.1080/20964129.2020.1780159 |
Fazlioglu F, Chen L*. Introduced non-native mangroves express better growth performance than co-occurring native mangroves. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10:3854. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-60454-z |
Gu X, Feng H, Tang T, Tam NFY, Pan H, Zhu Q, Dong Y, Fazlioglu F, Chen L*. Predicting the invasive potential of a non-native mangrove reforested plant (Laguncularia racemosa) in China. Ecological Engineering. 2019, 139: 105591. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.105591 |
Peng D, Chen L, Pennings SC, Zhang Y*. Using a marsh organ to predict future plant communities in a Chinese estuary invaded by an exotic grass and mangrove: Multiple plant invasions in a Chinese estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 2018, 63: 2595-2605. doi:10.1002/lno.10962. |
论著和章节 |
1. 陈鹭真,杨盛昌,林光辉 著. 全球变化下的中国红树林. 厦门大学出版社. 2021.5 (ISBN 978-7-5615-8146-9) . (该书为2021年度福建省重点出版立项项目) |
2. 王文卿,石建斌,陈鹭真 著. 中国红树林湿地保护与恢复战略研究. 中国环境出版集团. 北京. 2021.9 (ISBN 978-7-5111-4792-9) . |
3. 陈鹭真,钟才荣,陈松,顾肖璇. 海口湿地:红树林篇. 厦门大学出版社. 2019.7 (ISBN 978-7-5615-7336-5) |
4. 陈鹭真,卢伟志,林光辉译. 滨海蓝碳——红树林、盐沼、海草床碳储量和碳排放因子评估方法. 厦门大学出版社. 2018.12 (ISBN 978-7-5615-7096-8) |
5. Chen L*, Fan H*, Su Z, Lin Q, Tao Y. Enhancing carbon storage in mangrove ecosystems of China through sustainable restoration and aquaculture actions. In: Krauss KW, Zhu Z, Stagg CL (eds.). Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management. 2022. American Geophysical Union. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (dio: 10.1002/9781119639305.ch6) |
6. Chen L*, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Feng H. Chapter 19. Mangrove carbon sequestration and sediment deposition changes under cordgrass invasion. In: Sidik F, Friess D (eds.). Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts. 2020. pp. 473-509. Elsevier. (ISSB 978-0-12-816437-2) |
7. Chen L*. Chapter 5: Invasive Plants in Coastal Wetlands: Patterns and Mechanisms. In An S, Verhoeven J (eds.). Wetlands: Ecosystem Services, Restoration and Wise Use. 2019. pp. 97-128. Springer. (ISBN 978-3-030-14861-4) |