
张宜辉 博士
厦门大学环境与生态学院 |
Yihui Zhang
Nanqiang Distinguished Professor
College of the Environment and Ecology |
Tel: 0592-2181430 Email: zyh@xmu.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
Brief CV |
PhD, Xiamen University (2003)
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2003-2012)
Visiting Scholar, University of Houston (2009-2010)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2012-2018)
Professor, Xiamen University (2018-)
Visiting Senior Research Scholar, University of South Carolina (2018)
Research Interests |
Wetland Ecology
Plant Ecology
Biological Invasion Ecology
Plant-animal Interactions
Selected Publications |
Chen, X.C., Liu W.W., Pennings S.C., Zhang Y.H.*. 2021. Plasticity and selection drive hump-shaped latitudinal patterns of flowering phenology in an invasive intertidal plant. Ecology, 102: e03311.
Liu W.W., Chen X.C., Strong D.R., Pennings S.C., Kirwan M.L., Chen X.L., Zhang Y.H.*. 2020. Climate and geographic adaptation drive latitudinal clines in biomass of a widespread saltmarsh plant in its native and introduced ranges. Limnology and Oceanography, 65: 1399-1409.
Liu W.W., Zhang Y.H.*, Chen X.C., Maung-Douglass K., Strong D.R., Pennings S.C. 2020. Contrasting plant adaptation strategies to latitude in the native and invasive range of Spartina alterniflora. New Phytologist, 226: 623-634.
Qiao H.M.#, Liu W.W.#, Zhang Y.H.*, Zhang Y.Y.*, Li Q.Q.*. 2019. Genetic admixture accelerates invasion via provisioning rapid adaptive evolution. Molecular Ecology, 28: 4012-4027.
Zhang Y.H.*, Meng H.Y., Wang Y., He Q. 2018. Herbivory enhances the resistance of mangrove forest to cordgrass invasion. Ecology, 99: 1382-1390.
Peng D., Chen L.Z., Pennings S.C., Zhang Y.H.*. 2018. Using a marsh organ to predict future plant communities in a Chinese estuary invaded by an exotic grass and mangrove. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: 2595-2605.