欢迎光临郭卫东 博士的个人主页
Research Group

郭卫东  博士
Dr. Guo Weidong

论文著作 Publications

Wu Z. T., Yu D., Yu Q. B., Liu Q., Zhang M. Z., Dahlgren R. A., Middelburg J. J., Qu L. Y., Li Q. L, Guo W. D*., & Chen N. W*. Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2–CH4–N2O) along a large reservoir‐downstream river continuum: The role of seasonal hypoxia. Limnology & Oceanography, 2024.
Qu L. Y., He C., Wu Z. T., Dahlgren R. A., Ren M. X., Li P. H., Shi Q., Li Y., Chen N. W.*, & Guo W. D*. Hypolimnetic deoxygenation enhanced production and export of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter in a large stratified reservoir. Water Research, 2022, 219: 118537.
Wang T., Huang Y. M., Zhu Y., Xu J., Li D. W., Wang B., Guo W. D., Yuan D. X. A shipboard method for catalytic kinetic spectrophotometric determination of trace Cu(II) concentrations in seawater using reverse flow injection analysis coupled with a long path length liquid waveguide capillary cell. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 179: 107441.
Wang Y., Xie R., Shen, Y., Cai R. H., He C., Chen Q., Guo W. D. Shi Q., Jiao N. Z., Zheng Q. Linking Microbial Population Succession and DOM Molecular Changes in Synechococcus-Derived Organic Matter Addition Incubation. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022,10: 02308-21.
Lian J., Zheng X. X., Zhuo X. C., Chen Y. L., He C., Zheng Q., Lin T. H., Sun J., Guo W. D., Shi Q. (2021). Microbial transformation of distinct exogenous substrates into analogous composition of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter. Environmental Microbiology, 23(5):2389-2403, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15426.
Qu L. Y., Jiao T., Guo W. D.*, Dahlgren R. A., Ling N., Feng B. Y. (2021). Hydro-biogeochemical alterations to optical properties of particulate organic matter in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf area. Ecological Indicators, 128, 107837, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107837.
Wang C., Guo W. D.*, Li Y., Dahlgren R. A., Guo X. H., Qu L. Y., Zhuang W. (2021). Temperature-regulated turnover of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in global dark marginal basins. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19): e2021GL094035, DOI: 10.1029/2021GL094035.
Wang C., Li Y. Z., Li Y., Zhou H., Stubbins A., Dahlgren R. A., Wang Z. H., Guo W. D*. (2021). Dissolved organic matter dynamics in the epipelagic northwest Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system: insights from optical analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(9): e2021JC017458, DOI: 10.1029/2021JC017458.
Wang T., Huang Y. M., Xu J., Guo W. D., Yuan D.X. (2021). Development and application of a shipboard method for spectrophotometric determination of nanomolar dissolved sulfide in estuarine surface waters using reverse flow injection analysis coupled with a long path length liquid waveguide capillary cell. Microchemical Journal, 168, 106522, DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2021.106522.
Wang T., Huang Y. M., Xu J., Guo W. D., Zhu Y., Yuan D. X. (2021). A modified method of on-line solid phase extraction and fluorometric detection for underway monitoring and onboard analysis of trace ammonium in seawater. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 173, 103547, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2021.103547.
Xiao X. L., Guo W.D., Li X. L., Wang C., Chen X.W., Lin X.Q., Weinbauer M. G., Zeng Q. L., Jiao N. Z., Zhang R. (2021). Viral Lysis Alters the Optical Properties and Biological Availability of Dissolved Organic Matter Derived from Prochlorococcus Picocyanobacteria. Apply and Environmental Microbiology, 87(3), DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02271-20.
Yan J., Chen N. W., Wang F. F., Liu Q., Wu Z. T., Middelburg J.J., Xie Y. Y., Guo W. D., Zhang X. (2021). Interaction Between Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emission in a Subtropical Hypoxic Reservoir, Southeastern China. J Geophysical Research: Biogeosicences, 126(4), e2020JG006133, DOI: 10.1029/2020JG006133.
Qu L.Y., Wu Y.F., Li Y., Stubbins A., Dahlgren R. A., Chen N.W., Guo W.D*. (2020). El Niño‐driven dry season flushing enhances dissolved organic matter export from a subtropical watershed. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089877. DOI: 10.1029/2020GL089877
Xiao X.L., Guo W.D., Li X.L., Wang C., Chen X.W., Lin X.Q., Weinbauer M.G., Zeng Q.L., Jiao N.Z., Zhang R. (2020). Viral lysis alters the optical properties and biological availability of dissolved organic matter derived from picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus. Applied and environmental microbiology.11: 1041. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02271-20
Xie R., Wang Y., Chen Q., Guo W.D., Jiao N.Z., Zheng Q. (2020). Coupling Between Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolic Processes Mediated by Coastal Microbes in Synechococcus-Derived Organic Matter Addition Incubations. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01041
Zheng Q., Lin W.X., Wang Y., Li, Y.Y., He C., Shen Y., Guo W.D., Shi Q., Jiao N.Z. (2020). Highly enriched N‐containing organic molecules of Synechococcus lysates and their rapid transformation by heterotrophic bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography. 1–14
Cai R.H., Zhou W.C., He, C., Tang, K., Guo, W.D., Shi, Q., Gonsior, M., Jiao, N.Z. (2019). Microbial processing of sediment‐derived dissolved organic matter: Implications for its subsequent biogeochemical cycling in overlying seawater. Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 3479-3490.
Wang F.F., Chen N.W., Yan J., Lin J.J., Guo W.D., Cheng P., Liu Q., Liu Q., Huang B.Q., Tian Y. (2019). Major Processes Shaping Mangroves as Inorganic Nitrogen Sources or Sinks: Insights From a Multidisciplinary Study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 1194-1208.
Wu Y.L., Ya M.L., Chen H.Z., Li, Y.Y., Guo W.D., Wang X.H. (2019). Distribution and isotopic composition of sedimentary black carbon in a subtropical estuarine-coastal region of the western Taiwan Strait: Implications for tracing anthropogenic inputs. The Science of the total environment, 684, 509-518.
Yang L.Y., Chen W., Zhuang W.E., Cheng Q., Li W.X., Wang H., Guo W.D., Chen C.T., Liu M.H. (2019). Characterization and bioavailability of rainwater dissolved organic matter at the southeast coast of China using absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 217, 45-55.
Yu D., Chen N.W., Krom M. D., Lin J.J., Cheng P., Yu F.L., Guo W.D., Hong H.S., Gao X.J. (2019). Understanding how estuarine hydrology controls ammonium and other inorganic nitrogen concentrations and fluxes through the subtropical jiulong river estuary, s.e. china under baseflow and flood-affected conditions. Biogeochemistry. 142:443–466.
Zheng Q., Chen Q., Cai R.H., He C., Guo W.D., Wang Y., Shi Q., Chen C., Jiao N.Z. (2019). Molecular characteristics of microbially mediated transformations of Synechococcus-derived dissolved organic matter as revealed by incubation experiments. Environmental microbiology. 21(7), 2533–2543.
Bao H.Y., Yi Y.Y., Wang C., Spence R.G.M., Deng X., Guo W.D.* (2018). Dissolved organic matter in coastal rainwater: Concentration, bioavailability and depositional flux to seawater in southeastern China. Marine Chemistry, 205:48-55.
Deng H.X., Huang P., Tanhua T., Stöven T., Ke H.W., Guo W.D., Wang W.M., Cai M.G. (2018). Observations of the Intermediate Water Exchange Between the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean Deduced From Transient Tracer Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 7495-7510.
Specchiulli A., Cilenti L., D'Adamo R., Fabbrocini A., Guo W., Huang L., Luglièd A., Padeddad B.M., Sciroccoa T., Magni P. (2018).Dissolved organic matter dynamics in Mediterranean lagoons: The relationship between DOC and CDOM. Marine Chemistry, 202: 37-4
Zhang Y., Gao X., Guo W., Zhao J. and Li Y. (2018)Origin and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Mariculture Area Suffering From Summertime Hypoxia and Acidification. Front. Mar. Sci., 2018, 5: 325.
Wang. C., Guo. W.D.*, Li Y., Stubbins A., Li, Y.Z., & Song, G.D., et al. (2017). Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,122, 3408-3418.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Zhai W.D., Chen W. Z., Osburn C. L., Huang X., Li Y. (2014). Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in different branches of a large bifurcated estuary - the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,776-793,doi: 10.1002/2013JG002540.
Spencer R. G. M., Guo W.D., Raymond P. A., Dittmar T., Hood E., Fellman J., Stubbins A.(2014). Source and biolability of ancient dissolved organic matter in glacier and lake ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 64-74.
Yi Y.Y., Zheng A.R., Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Chen D. (2014). Optical properties of estuarine dissolved organic matter isolated using cross flow ultrafiltration. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(4): 22-29.
Huang L.F., Zhuo J.F., Guo W.D.*, Spencer R.G.M., Zhang Z.Y., Xu J. (2013). Tracing organic matter removal in polluted coastal waters via floating bed phytoremediation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71(1-2): 74-82.
Lin H., Guo W.D.*, Xu J., Hu M.H. (2013). Identify the origin of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Xiamen Bay using fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(2): 404-408.
Wang C., Guo W.D., Guo Z.R.*, Wei J., Zhang B., Ma Z.Y. (2013). Characterization of dissolved organic matter in groundwater from the coastal Dagu River watershed, China using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(9): 2460-2465.
Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Chen N.W., Hong H.S.*, Huang J.L., Xu J., Huang S.Y. (2013). Influence of a summer storm event on the flux and composition of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river, China. Applied Geochemistry, 28: 164 -171.
Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Hong H.S.*, Wang G. Z. (2013). Non-conservative behaviors of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a turbid estuary: roles of multiple biogeochemical processes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 133: 285-292.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Chen C.-T. A.*, Guo W.D, Huang T. H. (2013). Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the estuaries of populated and mountainous Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 157: 12-23.
Deng X., GUO W.D.*, Zhuo J.F. (2012). Effect of pH on excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of rainwater dissolved organic matter. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(1): 137-141.
Guo D.H., Yi Y.Y., Zhao L., Guo W.D.* (2012). Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter released during the metabolic process of small medusa. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(6): 1584-1587.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Yu X.X., Zhai W.D., Hong H.S. (2012). Photo-production of dissolved inorganic carbon from dissolved organic matter in contrasting coastal waters in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(7): 1181-1188.
Hong H.S., Yang L.Y., Guo W.D.*, Wang F.L., Yu X.X. (2012). Characterization of dissolved organic matter under contrasting hydrologic regimes in a subtropical watershed using PARAFAC model. Biogeochemistry, 109:163-174.
Lin H., Guo W.D.*, Hu M.H., Lin C., Ji W.D. (2012). Spatial-temporal variability of absorption properties of colored dissolved organic matter in the Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(5): 98-106.
Yan X.L., Zhai W.D.*, Hong H.S., Li Y., Guo W.D., Huang X. (2012). Distribution, export fluxes and decadal changes of nutrients in the Jiulong River estuary, Western Taiwan Strait. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18): 2307-2318.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D.*, Huang J.L., Li Q.S., Yu X.X. (2012). Environmental factors affecting the composition of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river watershed. Regional Environmental Change, 12: 145-151.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D., Chen C-T A*, Pan P.I., Feng C.C. (2012). Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 128-129: 64-71.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Stedmon C.A., Wang F.L., Xu J., Xie Y.Y. (2011). Assessing the dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a subtropical estuary using parallel factor analysis. Marine Chemistry, 124:125-133.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Wang F.L., Chen W.Z., Wang X.H., Hong H.S. (2011). Parallel factor analysis for excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of dissolved organic matter from a reservoir-type river. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 31(2): 427-430.
Jiang X.J., Lin X.H., Yao D., Guo W.D. (2011). Enrichment mechanisms of rare earth elements in marine hydrogenic ferromanganese crusts. Science China- Earth Sciences, 54(2): 197-203.
Cheng Y.Y., Guo W.D.*, Long A.M., Chen S.Y. (2010). The optical characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and absorbance spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(9): 2413-2416.
Guo W.D.*, Xu J., Wang J.P., Wen Y.R., Zhuo J.F., Yan Y.C. (2010). Characterization of dissolved organic matter in urban sewage using excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(11): 1728-1734.
Li C., Zhang Y.P., Guo W.D.*, Zhu Y., Xu J., Deng X. (2010). Verification of ballast water exchange for international ships anchored in Xiamen Port by CDOM tracer. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(9): 2541-2545.
Zhuo J.F., Guo W.D.*, Deng X., Zhang Z.Y., Xu J., Huang L.F. (2010). Fluorescence Excitation-Emission-Matrix Spectroscopy of CDOM from Yundang Lagoon and its Indication for Organic Pollution, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(6):1539-1544.
Cheng Y.Y., Guo W.D.* (2009). Characterization of photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Xiamen bay by excitation emission matrix spectroscopy, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29(4):990-993.
Guo W.D.*, Stedmon C A, Han Y.C., Wu F., Yu X.X., Hu M.H. (2007). The conservative and non-conservative behavior of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Chinese estuarine waters. Marine Chemistry, 107: 359-366.
Jiang X.J.*, Lin X.H, Yao D., Zhai S.K., Guo W.D., (2007). Geochemistry of lithium in marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, Deep-Sea Research I, 54: 85–98.