高树基 博士
厦门大学翔安校区周隆泉楼A3-411 |
XMU Chair Professor |
Tel:86-592-2880178 Email:sjkao@xmu.edu.cn |
Brief CV |
台湾大学 海洋化学 博士(1995)
台湾成功大学水工试验所 助理研究员(1997-1998) |
台湾大学 海洋研究所 博士后(1998-2000) |
台湾 海洋研究中心 助理研究员(2000-2001) |
台湾“中央”研究院 环境变迁研究中心 助理研究员(2001-2005) |
台湾“中央”大学 副教授(2005-2009) |
台湾“中央”研究院 环境变迁研究中心 副研究员(2005-2009) |
厦门大学 讲座教授(2007-) |
厦门大学 博士生导师(2008-) |
台湾“中央”大学 兼职教授(2009-) |
台湾“中央”研究院 环境变迁研究中心 研究员(2009-2013)
Ph.D.,Marine Chemistry, Natl. Taiwan Univ,1995 |
Assistant Research Scientist, Natl. Cheng-Kong Univ., Tainan, Taiwan,1997-1998 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Inst. Oceanogr., Natl. Taiwan Univ., Taiwan,1998-2000 |
Assistant Researcher, Natl. Center for Ocean Res., Natl. Sci. Council, Taiwan,2000-2001 |
Assistant Researcher, Res. Center for Environ. Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan,2001-2005 |
Associate Professor, National Central University, Taiwan (joint appointment),2005-2009 |
Associate Researcher, Res. Center for Environ. Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan,2005-2009 |
Chair Professor, Xiamen University, China (joint appointment),2007- |
PhD Supervisor, Xiamen University,2008- |
Full Professor, National Central University, Taiwan (joint appointment),2009- |
Research Fellow, Res. Center for Environ. Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan,2009-2013 |
厦门大学特聘教授(2011-) |
Research Interests |
Nitrogen cycling and its linkage with carbon cycle in marine ecosystems from the stable isotope perspective
Selected Publications |
设计并改进了质谱仪前端气体浓缩系统,可运用于同步分析示踪剂标定的气体N2和N2O的同位素组成;发展出新的同位素配对示踪法的演算模型(Isotope Pairing Technique),可计算反硝化作用、硝化作用和厌氧氨氧化作用以及个别过程的N2和N2O产率(Biogeosciences, 2013。
Hsu, T.-C., and S.-J. Kao* (2013), Technical Note: Simultaneous measurement of sedimentary N 2 and N 2 O production and a modified 15 N isotope pairing technique, Biogeosciences, 10(12), 7847-7862 |
Hsiao, S.-Y., T.-C. Hsu, J.-w. Liu, X. Xie, Y. Zhang, J. Lin, H. Wang, J.-Y. Yang, S.-C. Hsu, M. Dai and S.-J. Kao* (2014), Nitrification and its oxygen consumption along the turbid Chang Jiang River plume, Biogeosciences, 11(7), 2083-2098
利用在南海时间序列测站的悬浮颗粒与沉积物捕获器的氮同位素季节变化,推演了南海上层海洋的氮动力学过程,计算出新生产力与固氮作用的相对贡献(Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2012)
Kao, S. J. *, J. Y. Terence Yang, K. K. Liu, M. Dai, W. C. Chou, H. L. Lin, and H. Ren (2012), Isotope constraints on particulate nitrogen source and dynamics in the upper water column of the oligotrophic South China Sea, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(2)
Yang, J.-Y., S.-C. Hsu, M. Dai, S.-Y. Hsiao, and S.-J. Kao* (2014), Isotopic composition of water-soluble nitrate in bulk atmospheric deposition at Dongsha Island: sources and implications of external N supply to the northern South China Sea, Biogeosciences, 11(7), 1833-1846
Kao, S.-J.*, B.-Y. Wang, L.-W. Zheng, K. Selvaraj, S.-C. Hsu, X. Sean Wan, M. Xu, and C.-T. Arthur Chen (2015), Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen isotopic records in the Arabian Sea, Biogeosciences, 12(1), 1-14
(Paleoceanography, 2015, under review)。
Zheng, L.W., S.Y. Hsiao, X.D. Ding, D.W. Li and S-J. Kao1*,(2015) Isotopic compositions and speciation of sedimentary nitrogen and carbon in the Okinawa Trough over past 30 ka, Paleoceanography, under review.