
Scope 1: Marine geochemistry: Processes and Fluxes

Foci 1: Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry



Research Interests

Minhan Dai

PhD, Professor, Academician of CAS

Coastal ocean carbon cycle; biogeochemistry of trace metals

Pinghe Cai

PhD, Professor

Isotopic marine chemistry; ocean carbon cycling

Xianghui Guo

PhD, Associate Professor

Ocean carbon cycling

Yuan Shen

PhD, Associate Professor

Marine carbon cycle & sequestration; Arctic biogeochemistry; Surface ocean history reconstruction using deep-sea proteinaceous corals and amino acid enantiomers and stable isotopes

Bingbing Wang

PhD, Professor

Atmospheric chemistry; aerosols; aerosol-Cloud Interactions; air-Sea Interactions

Guizhi Wang

PhD, Professor

Biogeochemical cycles in the ocean and sediments

Shanlin Wang

PhD, Professor

Marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycle modeling; the coupling of biogeochemical cycles among various components in Earth system models and its impacts; response and feedback of marine ecosystems to climate change

Foci 2: Ocean Nitrogen Biogeochemistry



Research Interests

Shu-Ji Kao

PhD, National high-level talents

Nitrogen cycle; application of C, N isotopes in understanding the hydrology, ecosystem and nutrient dynamics;

Hongyan Bao

PhD, Associate Professor

Molecular level characterization of dissolved organic matter; utlizing ultrahigh resolution mass spectrumetry and molecular markers to trace the sources, transport and transform of different organic matter in aquatic environment

Xing Jian

PhD, Associate Professor

Sedimentary geology; sedimentary geochemistry, sedimentary-tectonic evolution of ancient oceans and modern oceans

Selvaraj Kandasamy

PhD, Associate Professor

Geochemistry; marine geology

Weifeng Yang

PhD, Professor

Marine chemistry

Fengling Yu

PhD, Associate Professor

Isotopic geochemistry; marine geology

Jinyu Yang

PhD, Assistant Professor

Particle dynamics; transport and transformation of biogenic elements in particles using isotope tracers

Foci 3: Marine Biogeochemistry of Organic Matter and Metals



Research Interests

Dalin Shi

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Marine biogeochemistry; marine environmental biology

Yihua Cai

PhD, Professor

Aquatic biogeochemistry of orgnics; nutrients and trace elements

Zhimian Cao

PhD, Associate Professor

Stable isotope geochemistry; chemical oceanography

Weidong Guo

PhD, Professor

Chemical oceanography

Xiaolin Li

PhD, Professor

Marine oganic geochemistry; environmental organic chemistry

Stephan Steinke

PhD, Professor

Palaeoclimatology; palaeoceanography; micropalaeontology; marine sedimentology

Tiantian Tang

PhD, Associate Professor

Organic geochemistry; molecular biogeochemistry

Deli Wang

PhD, Professor

Marine biogeochemistry

Dongxing Yuan

PhD, Professor

Environmental chemistry; analytical chemistry; separation science

Scope 2: Marine Ecology: Processes and Mechanisms

Foci 4: Marine Microbial Ecology



Research Interests

Nianzhi Jiao

PhD, Professor, Academician of CAS

Microbial ecology; picoplankton; biological oceanography

Hongyue Dang

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Marine microbiology; molecular ecology; biogeochemistry; biogenic element cycling; biofilm; biocorrosion

Yawei Luo

PhD, Associate Professor

Marine microbial ecology

Kai Tang

PhD, Professor

Marine microbiology

Dapeng Xu

PhD, Associate Professor

Aquatic biology

Rui Zhang

PhD, Professor

Marine microbial ecology (bacteria and viruses)

Yao Zhang

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Marine Microbial and Molecular Ecology

Foci 5: Ecological Processes of Plankton



Research Interests

Yahui Gao

PhD, Professor

Marine algology

Xin Lin

PhD, Associate Professor

Ecological processes of the plankton; phytoplankton molecular physiology and ecology

Dazhi Wang

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Metaproteomics of marine organic matters; functional proteomics of marine dinoflagellates; marine molecular biogeochemistry and ecology

Scope 3: Marine Ecology and Toxicology

Foci 6: Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification and UV Radiation



Research Interests

Kunshan Gao

PhD, Minjiang Chair Professor

Marine environmental change physiology: study the impacts of environmental changes (such as ocean acidification, solar UV radiation) on primary and secondary producers; using physiological, biochemical and photochemical approaches; and unravel the effects and involved mechanisms by combining data from lab, mesocosm and research cruise studies

Guang Gao

PhD, Associate Professor

Seaweed Physiology and Ecology; 

Environmental Bioremediation Using Algae

Xin Lin

PhD, Assistant Professor

Molecular biology of algae

Foci 7: Ecotoxicological Effects of Marine Pollutants



Research Interests

Kejian Wang

PhD, Professor,Minjiang Chair Professor

Environmental molecular toxicology; marine molecular biology; marine functional genomics and proteomics; biotechnology

Haizheng Hong

PhD, Professor

Environmental toxicology

Caihuan Ke

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Marine benthic ecology; larval biology; marine ecotoxicology; marine biotechnology

Haipeng Liu

PhD, Professor

Marine molecular biology

Xinhong Wang

PhD, Professor

Marine organic geochemistry; marine ecotoxicology

Yong Zhang

PhD, Professor

Environmental chemistry; environmental analytical chemistry; molecular luminescence spectrometry

Scope 4: Ocean Ecosystem: Observations and Integrations

Foci 8: Coastal Ocean Dynamics and Ecosystem Response



Research Interests

Bangqin Huang

PhD, Minjiang Chair Professor

Marine ecology; biological oceanography; marine molecular ecology

Nengwang Chen

PhD, Professor

Nutrient biogeochemistry of watershed-coast system; Environmental processes and effects; Environmental monitoring and assessment; Environmental big data

Peng Cheng

PhD, Professor

Estuarine and coastal dynamics; sediment dynamics

Huasheng Hong

PhD, XMU Chair Professor

Marine biogeochemistry of biogenic elements and trace organic pollutants; the scientific and technological basis for the ocean and coastal sustainable development

Jianyu Hu

PhD, Professor

Physical oceanography and regional environmental oceanography; focusing on the study of oceanic circulation, upwelling, oceanic fronts and tides

Yongxiang Huang

PhD, Associate Professor

Statistical theory of turbulence; multiscale statistics in complex systems

Yuwu Jiang

PhD, Professor

Marine hydrodynamic numerical model; the application of geographic information system

Hongyang Lin

PhD, Associate Professor

Physical oceanography

Zhiyu Liu

PhD, Professor

Ocean turbulence and mixing; internal waves; stability of stratified shear flows; physical oceanography of coastal & shelf seas; upper ocean dynamics

Xin Liu

PhD, Associate Professor

Marine ecology; community ecology

Xiaoyi Yang

PhD, Professor

Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction; global climate change

Caiyun Zhang

PhD, Associate Professor

Application of marine remote sensing; physical-biological interactions; climate-ocean variability and ecosystem response

Foci 9: Ocean Observation



Research Interests

Haili Wang

PhD, Distinguished Ocean Technologist

Ocean observing technology; optical oceanography; ocean color biology

Xi Chen

PhD, Professor

Nano-material modified and solid state electrochemiluminescence; bio-chemical sensor for marine pollution analysis

Quanlong Li

PhD, Professor

Environmental analytical chemistry; marine instrumentation

Guokun Liu

PhD, Associate Professor

Environmental chemistry and monitoring; developing new analytical techniques and instrumentation; nanomaterials; spectroelectrochemistry (Raman, Infrard, Fluorescence)

Jian Ma

PhD, Professor

In situ marine and environmental sensor/analyzer

Shaoling Shang

PhD, Professor

Satellite oceanography; bio-optics

Mingjia Shanggguan

PhD, Associate Professor

Ocean remote sensing; lidar

Wei Zhuang

PhD, Associate Professor

Ocean circulation and sea level changes; eddy variability and dynamics