Brief CV |
厦门大学,海洋与地球学院,副教授(2015-) |
上海大学,上海市应用数学和力学研究所,讲师(2010-2015) |
比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,博士后(2009-2010) |
法国里尔一大,流体力学博士(2006-2009) |
上海大学,流体力学博士(2003-2009) |
上海交通大学,建筑工程与力学学院(1998-2002) |
Associate Professor, Xiamen University, China (2015-) |
Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai University, China (2010-2015) |
Post-Doc, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2009-2010) |
Ph.D in Fluid Dynamics, Lille 1 University, France (2006-2009) |
Ph.D in Fluid Dynamics, Shanghai University, China (2003-2009) |
B.Sc. in Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China (1998-2002) |
Research Interests |
湍流统计理论及其在海洋湍流、细菌/主动湍流中的应用 Statistical theory of turbulence and its applications in ocean turbulence, bacterial/active turbulence, etc |
非线性、非平稳统计方法及其应用 nonlinear and nonstationary time series analysis and their applications |
Selected Publications |
1. F.G. Schmitt and Y.X. Huang, Stochastic analysis of scaling time series: from turbulence theory to applications, Cambridge University Press, 2016 |
2. Y.X. Huang, F.G. Schmitt, Z.M. Lu, and Y.L. Liu. An amplitude-frequency study of turbulent scaling intermittency using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectral Analysis. Europhysics Letters, 84, 40010, 2008. |
3. Y.X. Huang, F.G. Schmitt, Z.M. Lu, and Y.L. Liu. Analysis of daily river flow fluctuations using empirical mode decomposition and arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 373:103-111, 2009. |
4. Y.X. Huang and F.G. Schmitt, Time dependent intrinsic correlation analysis of temperature and dissolved oxygen time series using empirical mode decomposition, Journal of Marine systems, 130:90-100, 2014. |
5. Y.X. Huang and F.G. Schmitt, Lagrangian cascade in three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 741:R2, 2014. |