刘志宇 博士
厦门大学翔安校区希平楼C3-416室 |
Dr. Zhiyu Liu
C3-416 Xiping Bldg, Xiangan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China |
Tel:+86-592-2880106 Fax:+86-592-2880107 Email:zyliu(at)xmu.edu.cn |
Brief CV |
B.Sc. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2004) |
Visiting Student (with Iossif Lozovatsky), Arizona State University, USA (Feb.–May 2006) |
Visiting Student (with Stephen Thorpe FRS), Bangor University, UK (2007–2009) |
Ph.D. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2009) |
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2009–2010) |
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2010–2015) |
Visiting Scientist (with Marina Lévy), UPMC (Paris VI), France (2013–2014) |
Professor of Oceanography, Xiamen University (2015–) |
Vis. Sr. Res. Fellow (with Trevor McDougall FRS), UNSW Sydney, Australia (Sep. 2017–Feb. 2018) |
Visiting Scientist (Program Participant), KITP, UCSB, USA (Apr. 2018) |
Research Interests |
The Dynamical Oceanography Group (DyOG) of the Xiamen University, led by Prof. Zhiyu Liu, seeks to advance dynamical interpretation and prediction of multi-scale oceanic processes and phenomena as revealed by observations and numerical simulations. The researches conducted by DyOG are mostly process-oriented and grounded in fundamental geophysical fluid dynamics. Ocean dynamics at scales around and below the deformation radius (i.e., the oceanic small to meso-scales) is a particular focus of DyOG. |
Topics with ongoing research efforts: ocean turbulence and mixing, geophysical instabilities, ocean scale interactions and energy transfers, internal gravity waves, upper ocean dynamics, wave-turbulence/vortex decomposition/interactions, water mass transformation and overturning circulation |
Selected Publications |
Cao Z.†, Liu Z.* et al. (2024), Scaling the diurnal mixing/mixed layer depth in the tropical ocean: A case study in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(9), e2024JC021296. |
Hu Z.†, Lin H.*, Liu Z.* et al. (2023), Observations of a filamentous intrusion and vigorous submesoscale turbulence within a cyclonic mesoscale eddy, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(6), 1615–1627. |
Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H. (2023), A simple approach for disentangling vortical and wavy motions of oceanic flows, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(5), 1237–1249. |
Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H. (2023), On dynamical decomposition of multiscale oceanic motions, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(3), e2022MS003556. |
Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H.* (2022), Interpreting consequences of inadequate sampling of oceanic motions, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7(5), 385–391. |
Bai X.†, Lamb K.G., Hu J.*, and Liu Z.* (2021), On tidal modulation of the evolution of internal solitary-like waves passing through a critical point, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(8), 2533–2552. |
Lin H., Liu Z.* et al. (2020), Characterizing meso- to submesoscale features in the South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 188, 102420. |
Liu Z.* et al. (2017), Weak thermocline mixing in the North Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(20), 10,530–10,539. |
Liu Z.*, Thorpe S.A., and Smyth W.D. (2012), Instability and hydraulics of turbulent stratified shear flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 695, 235–256. |
Liu Z.* (2010), Instability of baroclinic tidal flow in a stratified fjord, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(1), 139–154. (See or ResearchGate for a full list of publications with citation metrics.) |
Affiliations/Service |
Secretary, AOGS Ocean Sciences Section (2012–2014) |
Member, AOGS Publication Committee (2017–) |
Full Member, SCOR WG160: Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX) (2020–) |
常务理事, 中国海洋湖沼学会 (2022–) |
学术委员会委员, 海洋动力环境观测与预报重点实验室 (2024–) |
Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (2016–)
Editor, Journal of Oceanography (2017–) |
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Marine Science (2018–2024) |
Guest Editor, Ocean Dynamics (2019–2020) |
Editor, Ocean Dynamics (2021–) |
Editor, Geoscience Letters (2021–) |
编 委, 《海洋科学》 (2020–) |
编 委, 《海洋科学进展》 (2023–) |
编 委, 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 (2023–) |
副主编, 《海洋预报》 (2024–) |
Acting Dean, Department of Physical Oceanography, Xiamen University (2013–2018) |
Associate Dean, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University (2019.01–2024.01) |
Associate Director, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) (2022.01–) |
Dean, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University (2024.01–) |