Marine Carbon Sequestration (MARCO): Multiscale Regulation and Response to Global Change
MARine CarbOn sequestration in marginal sea ecosystems (MARCO): multiscale regulation and response to global changes-Overview and Progress
Bangqin Huang* , State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Guangxing Liu, Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology, MOE, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
Dalin Shi, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Gangjian Wei, State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, Guangzhou, China
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Ocean is the largest carbon stock in the Earth, it plays an important role in the global carbon cycle, and significant impact on the Earth's climate system. Biological pump ( BP) and microbial carbon pump ( BCP) are two of the most important pathways for the carbon sequestrations, the efficiency of which determined the carbon stock changes in the ocean and atmosphere. The on-going research program MARCO aims to clarify the ocean carbon sequestration mechanism and interpretation of ocean acidification effect on carbon sequestration and storage, establish the ocean sedimentary carbon stock changes linked to global changes, further analysis in the process of marine ecosystem carbon storage multiscale regulation mechanism in marginal sea ecosystems. 4 themes "carbon fixation process -carbon storage mechanism-acidification effect-sediment carbon stock changes" were set up around the core scientific question. Three typical ecological systems (continental shelf, basin and coral reefs) in the northern South China Sea with significant differences of biological community structure and carbon library changes were taken as the study sites. The MARCO will be initiated from the modern biogeochemical process, to demonstrate marine ecosystem carbon process and mechanism of carbon storage and its response to ocean acidification at different levels (gene protein-individual-population-community-ecosystem), Combined with different carbon stock changes of sedimentary systems in 2000 years and high-resolution sea water temperature, pH and carbon library records since the industrial revolution, to explore the ocean carbon stock changes to natural climate changes and human activities in response mechanism, to clarify regulation mechanism of the biological pump and microbial carbon pump. The implementation of the MARCO will be a significant boost in the marine carbon cycle and carbon storage mechanism research in marginal sea ecosystems. Significant progress has been made since the project was initiated in 2016, for example, temporal and spatial variations of phytoplankton community, group niches and environmental influence, size-fractionated and group-based primary production, plankton community influence on POC export in contrast ecosystems in South China Sea, ocean acidification on nitrogen fixation, and response of coral reef ecosystems to global warming and ocean acidification. Keywords: carbon sequestration; biological pump; microbial carbon pump; ocean acidification; sediment core record; global changes