Development of monitoring methods and instruments for marine environmental parameters
Allometric equations for determination of above ground biomass and carbon in mangroves, Rhizophora mucronata Lam., in Gzai Bay, Kenya
D. Maringa* , Mangrove Research Program, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Gazi Campus University of Nairobi, Department of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus
A. Juma, Mangrove Research Program, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Gazi Campus
J. Kairo, University of Nairobi, Department of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus
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The demand for local allometric equations has greatly increased worldwide with the realization of the significance of carbon-offset projects in combating climate change. Species-specific allometric equations were developed for Rhizophora mucronata in Kinondo natural stand in Gazi Bay, Kenya. Twenty five trees of diameters between 2.5 cm and 20 cm were harvested and separated into their component parts: trunks, leaves, branches and stilt roots. The weight of individual component parts was measured in situ and sub-samples of each component carried to the laboratory for wet-dry weight conversion. Correlations between the total biomass against stem diameter (D130), either alone or in combination with height, were used to develop allometric equations of the form y = axb (where; y = biomass, x = D130 and a and b are constants). The strength of the equations was assessed by the correlation coefficient of determination (r2) and standard error. Stem diameter (D130) was found to be the best predictor for aboveground biomass with correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.90 for R. mucronata. The equation built was used to give estimates of the above ground carbon pool of R.mucronata. The aboveground biomass for R. mucronata was estimated to be 234±34.85 tons/ha in the Kinondo natural stand. Key words: Above ground biomass; allometric equations; REDD+; mangroves; Kenya