Ocean-atmosphere interactions and multi-scale climate variability in a changing climate
The relationship between the East Asian summer rainfall and Ross Sea Ice Concentration(SIC)
Hui CAI* , Department of Atmospheric Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
Shuanglin LI, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
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The relationship between the East Asian summer rainfall (20-40N, 110-125E) and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) from 1980 to 2017 was analyzed by using GPCP global precipitation dataset, SIC obtained from Hadley Center and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis . It was found that the East Asian summer precipitation anomalies show a significant positive correlation with the SIC anomalies during boreal spring over the Ross Sea (65-72S, 160E-165W). By using the regression analysis, we found that the sic growth acts to strengthen the Mascarene high (MH) and the Australia high (AH). MH and AH enhancement (weaken) further increases (decreases) precipitation in East Asia by enhancing (weakening) the cross-equatorial flow. And it seemed the Ross SIC can strengthen the south flow which brings water vapor from sea to land. The results suggest that the SIC over Ross Sea is another factor to affect the East Asian summer rainfall.