Biogeochemistry of organic matter and associated elements along the river-estuary-ocean continuum

High-Frequency Monitoring of FDOM Dynamics in a Subtropical Estuary
Tuesday 8th @ 1410-1430, Conference Hall
Liyin Qu, Xiamen University
Weidong Guo* , Xiamen University
Jing Xu, Xiamen University
Xiao-ling Zhang, Xiamen Standard Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd
Presenter Email:
Estuary is an important link for terrestrial and marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) cycles. The export of DOM from fluvial discharge into the coastal seas showed high temporal variation due to the dynamic change of both hydrology and DOM quantity and quality in the watershed, and the dynamic environments of estuary driven by the mixing of freshwater and seawater interactions. The routine cruise investigation schemes just cover very short period, making it difficult to observe the high-frequency variation of DOM dynamics in the dynamic estuarine environments. In this study, we made a high-frequency monitoring of DOM dynamics in subtropical Jiulong Estuary, Southeast of China from 2014-2017. Four-year time series fluorescence dissolved organic matter (FDOM) data were obtained by an in-situ EXO-2 water quality sonde equipped with a FDOM sensor, with a data aquisition mode of every half an hour. The temporal variation of FDOM in different time scales (tidal, daily, seasonal, annual) were discussed, with the focus on the influence of rainstorm events, and the extremely strong 2015-2016 El Nino event on FDOM dynamics.