The Arctic Ocean: Physical Processes and their Effects on Climate and the Ecosystem
Possible role of Arctic surface climate systems in 2018 heatwave P-M3-02-S Mingyi Gu* , Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Presenter Email: 492934389@qq.com |
In summer 2018, exceptional heatwaves occurred over Northern continent. Here, we show the hottest day counts of each grid among this summer which showed that there are several areas along around 70°N and 40°N experiencing the highest temperature over past 70 years this summer, especially north-west Canada, north Eurasia, Korea and Japan. We also found in summer 2018, subtropical high is unusually strong and northward at the same time, which is never happened over past 70 years, and we believed it is no doubt have the ability to cause the exceptional heatwaves. We tried to link 2018 heatwaves with the persistent negative sea ice concentration anomaly at Bering Sea and Barents-Kara Sea in March to May 2018 and widely persistent positive surface temperature anomaly since December 2017. For the specific case of 2018, we show that the arctic anomaly and mid-latitude sst anomaly interactions and conbined with climate system contribute to high surface temperatures over northern continent during the heatwave. Anomalies of sea ice, air surface temperature and sea surface temperature in Arctic also give leading signals of continent heatwave pattern. |