Turbulence and scaling processes in the ocean
Striations in Marginal Seas and the Mediterranean Sea
Yuping Guang* , South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS,China
Yu Zhang, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS, China
Zhiyu Liu, Xiamen University,China
Rui Xin Huang, WHOI, USA
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Striations are ubiquitous in the world oceans, in particular the open ocean; however, it was unclear whether striations exist in the marginal seas and semi-closed seas. Our analysis reveals exist of striations in several marginal seas, such as South China Sea (SCS), Japan Sea (JS), Gulf of Mexico (GM), and the Mediterranean Sea (MS). Comparing to the open ocean, striations in marginal or semi-enclosed sea are characterized by narrower bandwidth, more non-zonal orientations, and stronger baroclinic structure and deep intensification. Through power spectral analysis, the typical bandwidth of striations is about 60km in marginal seas and 100km in the Mediterranean Sea. The orientations of striations are highly correlated with the potential vorticity contours on isentropic surfaces. In vertical direction, striations often extend from the surface to a certain depth; but within SCS and MS they are baroclinic in up 1000m layer and intensified at more than 3000m depth. The different characters of striations in the open oceans and marginal seas are mainly due to the difference in the background flow. In particular, the coherent mesoscale features are strongly affected by background flow in these smaller basins.