Biogeochemical processes in land-ocean interfaces, surface estuaries, subterranean estuaries and sediment-water interface

Remotely sensing of Chla and its application on hypoxia and pCO2 monitor in coastal water
Monday 7th @ 1410-1430, Conference Room 1
Chengfeng Le* , Ocean College, Zhejiang University
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Hypoxia and air-sea CO2 flux are the two main concerns to the scientific community and environment management agencies. These two processes are all related to eutrophication in coastal waters. Monitor dynamics of bottom water hypoxia and surface water pCO2 are important to better understand the biogeochemical process in coastal waters, and improve the managing policy for these waters. Here, we generated a long-term chlorophyll a concertation (Chla) time series from satellite observations by developing a local empirical algorithm for the Louisiana continental shelf (LCS). Then, the Chla product was used to monitor hypoxia and pCO2 variation in the coastal water. Our results show that eutrophication only controls 50% variation of hypoxia on the LCS, and the other 50% is controlled by variability in river plume dispersal. For the pCO2, satellite could monitor its variation with acceptable accuracy on the LCS. Our studies suggest that with accuracy of Chla observation, ocean color remote sensing could monitor many important biogeochemical parameters in coastal waters.