Nitrogen cycling in the ocean: From genes to ecosystems and from the past to the future
Stoichiometry of marine nitrogen functional microbe by using stable isotope probing based Raman spectroscopy at single-cell level
Lianghao Ge* , Xiamen University
Shuh-Ji Kao, Xiamen University
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Nitrogen (N) is an essential biophilic element in biosphere. Nitrogen limits the productivity in most areas of global ocean, thus, regulating the capability of biological carbon pump largely. Beyond the euphotic zone, nitrogen cycles involve multiple nitrogen species with wide valence state. Almost all processes of marine N transformation are mediated by microorganisms which including various chemoautolithtrophic microbes responsible for carbon fixation and N2O generation. Overall, N cycle is a driver and a responder for climate change. However, the stoichiometric relations of these thermodynamically favorable reactions with involvement of microbes remain underexplored. The stoichiometric understanding of individual functional microbe is the foundation to comprehend the biogeochemical role of complex microbial N-cycling networks in community level. Raman spectroscopy is a powerful nondestructive method capable of providing semi-quantitative information at single-cell level about the chemical bonds of various biomolecules of bacteria. Single cell Raman spectroscopy can reflect the functional cells incorporate substrates based on Raman shift which induced by substitution of heavier isotope. Combine with 15N/13C tracer, Raman spectroscopy will be a promising method to detect N-C cycle especially for C/N assimilation during chemoautolithtrophic processes.