Ocean eddies, fronts, and air-sea exchanges: Observations and high resolution simulations
Dipole eddies in the Mozambique Strait and Ecological implications
Ting Huang* , 1
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Previous studies on anticyclones in the Mozambique channel have been carried out, but there are few studies on cyclones and dipole eddies.This paper mainly takes the dipole eddies found in the joint voyage between China and Mozambique in 2016 as the research object.In this study, ARMOR3 reanalysis data were used to analyze the characteristics of temperature ,salinity and density of the dipole eddies, and it was found that the anticyclone carried the water with high temperature and low density on the north side of the channel in the process of moving along the east coast of the African continent to the southwest, while the northward flow between dipole eddies would transfer the low-temperature and high-density water from the south side of the channel to the north side.In addition, we also used AVISO's Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas Product to calculate the occurrence frequency of the dipole eddies in the Mozambique channel, and found that there are about three or four dipole eddies generated in the channel every year, which is basically consistent with the occurrence frequency of the anticyclones.In addition, the southern side of the anticyclone often has a filament of chlorophyll hundreds of kilometers from the shore to the middle of the channel.
