Ocean eddies, fronts, and air-sea exchanges: Observations and high resolution simulations
Eddy-induced cross-slope exchange in the northwestern Black Sea
Mengyao Ma* , 1st affiliation
Feng zhou,
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Mesoscale eddies are frequently observed ocean processes at the shelf edge of the Black Sea. Remotely sensed high-resolution chlorophyll a and altimetry data have been used to investigate the development and migration of the mesoscale eddies in the northwestern Black Sea, along with a 3D circulation model output in this study. More than 15,000 eddies of different signs were identified in 20022010, with 53% of them appearing from March to July. During these periods, eddy-induced exchange accounts for 16%–31% of the total cross-slope volume transport at the upper layers shallower than 20 m. About  volume of northwestern-shelf water was renewed by a single mesoscale eddy over the period 5 May to 20 July 2005, which is equivalent to 30.9% of the overall volume of shelf water