Physics of estuaries and coastal seas
The Response of Phytoplankton Mortality to Ocean Acidification in Subtropical Eutrophic Bay
Peixuan Wang* , State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Xiamen University
Xin Liu, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Xiamen University
Jixin Chen, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Xiamen University
Bangqin Huang, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Xiamen University
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Phytoplankton are the most important primary producers of the ocean, and their death significantly affects the structure of marine ecosystem and biogeochemistry. However, the current acidification researches mainly focus on phytoplankton community structure, zooplankton grazing and other aspects, and there are few studies on phytoplankton mortality. This study relied on ocean acidification mesocosm facility (FOANIC-XMU), and aims to explore the influence of ocean acidification on phytoplankton mortality in subtropical eutrophic bay by flow cytometry combined with cell digestion assay. The experimental results showed that: 1. In day0-day6,the mortality rate under the high CO2 treatment was lower than that under the low CO2 treatment condition, the mortality rate under the high CO2 treatment was higher in day6-day9, and there was no significant difference between the two treatments in day9-day12, indicating that the impact mechanism of acidification on phytoplankton death was very complex;2. In the phosphate-adding culture experiment that lasted for 24 hours at day9, the mortality rate of phytoplankton in the phosphate group decreased significantly, while there was no significant difference between the acidifying and non-acidizing groups, indicating that phosphate had a more significant impact on phytoplankton death compared with acidizing group;3. According to the activity data of alkaline phosphatase, in the culture experiment, the activity of the bacterial state alkaline phosphatase was lower in the condition of acidification, no matter in the phosphate group or the blank group, indicating that the acidification condition may indirectly affect phytoplankton death by directly affecting the bacteria.