Physics of estuaries and coastal seas
Numerical modelling of sub-mesoscale processes in a coupled estuary-shelf system off Hong Kong
Waipang Tsang* , Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jianping Gan, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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We conduct a numerical simulation on an idealized estuary-shelf system to investigate sub-mesoscale processes under multiple forcing of winds, buoyancy from river runoff and tides. The system is analogue to physical settings of Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and adjacent shelf off Hong Kong. The model is based on Regional Ocean Modelling Systems (ROMS) of primitive equations with turbulent closure model. To resolve sub-mesoscale processes in the system, various combinations of physical forcing and numerical implementations were utilized to examine the response of estuarine and shelf circulation to the multiple forcing. In particular, we will examine the freshwater bulge, frontal instability and estuary-shelf exchange under the influence of active sub-mesoscale processes in the system.  