Sediment Dynamics and Morphodynamics of River-Sea Sediment Dispersal Systems through Space and Time: A Source-to-Sink Perspective
Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment transport in the South Passage of Changjiang Estuary after Typhoon Maria
Lan Tingfei* , School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University
Yaping Wang, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
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The sediment transport and hydrodynamics in Changjiang estuary are always popular topics. But researches focus on suspended sediment in south passage after a typhoon remain to further investigate. Data comes from the measurement in July 2018, just after the typhoon Maria went away. Vertical and tidal variability of velocity, sediment size, suspended sediment concentration and its relationship with halocline are analyzed using time series from one week long experiments. Evidence of flocculation are also found using in situ laser particle size analyzer. Mean particle size of particles in suspension is one order of magnitude larger than the primary size of the sediment. The contribution amount of typhoon Maria to this phenomenon is studied. Besides, SSC and sediment transport flux changes after typhoon are calculated to explain the influence mechanism. This research only studied for a week after typhoon, further study needs to be done.