Circulation, biogeochemistry and carbon cycling in ocean margins

Biological and physical processes driving the biological pump in the California Current Ecosystem  (Invited)
Monday 7th @ 0950-1010, Concert Hall
Michael Stukel* , Florida State University
Tom Kelly, Florida State University
Presenter Email:
The California Current Ecosystem (CCE) is a complex region in which ecological interactions at multiple trophic levels, physical currents at several scales, and multiple limiting nutrients interact to create a complex mosaic of plankton communities. The efficiency of the biological pump is highly variable in this heterogeneous region. Protistan and metazoan taxa produce, consume, and re-shape particles and marine snow in the epi- and mesopelagic regions leading to a variety of different particle types that vary in their sinking speeds and resistance to degradation by microbes or grazers. Meanwhile, coastal and wind-stress curl upwelling, mesoscale fronts and eddies, and submesoscale jets interact to transport organic carbon (and entire communities) tens to hundreds of kilometers between its formation and eventual export. In this abstract, we combine in situ biogeochemical and genomics data with physical circulation models to investigate factors controlling carbon export and remineralization across scales in the CCE.