The Ocean and Atmosphere in the Maritime Continent and Their Impacts
Contrasting ocean circulation features associated with two types of La Nina during the seasonal evolution
Wang Yaqi* , Beijing Normal University
Feng Juan, Beijing Normal University
Feng Licheng, National marine enviromental forecating center
Li Jianping, Beijing Normal University
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The ocean circulation features are investigated associated with Eastern PacificEPLa Niña and Central PacificCPLa Niña during seasonal evolution,by using the monthly sea surface temperature from HadISSTreanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR,and the factor of ocean circulation from SODA during period 1951-2011.For EP La Niñathe max centre of negative sea surface temperature anomalieSSTAoccur over the eastern equatorial Pacific ,for CP La Niña,the negative SSTA centre covers the central equatorial pacific and it’s symmetric about the equator,the different of SSTA between eastern and western Pacific is large. Because of SSTA distribution pattern,the CP La Niña are more intensive and persist longer compared to the EP La Niña. The combined effect of equatorial undercurrent and upwelling leads to the upwelling of cold SST,rising of thermocline and change of salt.These make the thermocline shallower, the sea level lower, and the subsurface SST have stronger cold anomaly during CP La Niña.
