Turbulence and scaling processes in the ocean

Relative dispersion in quasi-geostrophic models of upper-ocean turbulence
Tuesday 8th @ 1430-1450, Conference Room 4
Stefano Berti* , Stefano Berti, Universit¨¦ de Lille, Unit¨¦ de M¨¦canique de Lille, UML EA 7512, F-59000, Lille, France
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We numerically study relative dispersion in a class of generalized two-dimensional turbulent flows including as limiting cases two models that are relevant for ocean dynamics, the barotropic quasi-geostrophic (QG) and the surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) one. Aiming at exploring the link between the locality of energy transfers and the statistical properties of dispersion we find that dispersion behaviors agree with expectations from local theories when the dynamics are close to SQG ones and initial pair separations are small enough. Non-local dispersion is instead observed for the QG model, a robust result when looking at relative displacement probability distributions.