Marine pollution, ecotoxicology and sustainability
Calculation of the monthly total maximum allocated load of dissolved inorganic nitrogen pollutants in Daya Bay using L-THIA combined 3D model
Yuren Chen* , School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
Weicong Cheng, School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
Wenping Gong, School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
Heng Zhang, School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
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Total maximum allocated load (TMAL) is one of the most important concepts in the local environmental management. Combing the linear programming method, the L-THIA model and the ECOMSED model with a tracer module, the monthly TMAL of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) for 49 pollutant outlets in the 3 jurisdictions of the Daya Bay was estimated. Results suggested that the annual TMAL in all outlets was about 8.378 to 103 tons/year, while the monthly TMAL ranged from 3.414 to103 tons/year to 1.225 to 104 tons/year, which was relatively larger in the summer. Since the non-point source pollutants was mainly dominated by the precipitation, the amount of the non-point source DIN, which was almost zero in the dry seasons, was evaluated to be much larger than that of the point source DIN in the rainy seasons. Among all the jurisdictions, the outlets in Huidong Country contributed most to the monthly TMAL steadily, more than 65%, while the contribution of the other two regions, the Longgang District and the Daya Bay Economy and Technology Development Zone (DBETDZ), changed with the seasons significantly. Thus, the outlets in DBETDZ and the bays of the Longgang District was more frequently overloaded for more than 200%. Moreover, the TMAL was found to be negatively correlated with the water age when the water age was larger than 60 hours and stayed nearly zero when the age exceed 120 hours, but this pattern was not obvious when the water age decreased below 40 hours. With the examination of the water quality model, establishing 3 to 5 pollutant outlets outside the bay was proved to be effective for increasing the overall TMAL.