Ocean Observation: From Microfluidics to Global Scale
Comparison of surface salinity products from SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP satellites
Senliang Bao* , National University of Denfense&Technology
Ren Zhang, National University of Denfense&Technology
Huizan Wang, National University of Denfense&Technology
Henqian Yan, National University of Denfense&Technology
Bo Song, National University of Denfense&Technology
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Global surface ocean salinity measurements have been available since the launch of SMOS in 2009 and coverage was further enhanced with the launch of Aquarius in 2011 and SMAP in 2015. Due to SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP differ in requirement, retrieval algorithm and error correction strategy, the quality of their gridded products are different. We access three satellite products with in situ salinity measurements from the accuracy of products and the ability to resolve ocean phenomena. Compared with in situ measurements, Aquarius CAP data are of best quality , which have reached the design accuracy (0.2PSU) in open ocean. SMOS and SMAP agree well with in situ data in the tropical ocean and away from the coast. The RMSE of SMAP is smaller than SMOS in near-shore areas and at high latitudes. Meanwhile, A quantitative comparison between satellite SSS products and in-situ measurements in resolving salinity variation through singularity analysis, local variance, entropy and wavenumber spectra analysis is presented. The results show that the satellite data resolve considerably more detailed structures than in situ gridded data. The SMOS characterize the eastern edge of warm pool salinity front better, the SMAP fields are dominated by small-scale noise.