Harmful algal blooms: mechanisms, monitoring, and prevention in a rapidly changing world
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of bloom-forming planktonic Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) species from China
Zhaohe Luo* , Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, China
Yue Gao, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361101, China
Haifeng Gu, Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, China
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The genus Prorocentrum includes many species responsible for Harmful algal blooms (HABs) around the world. Some of them, e.g., P. donghaiense and P. triestinum, has formed extensive blooms frequently in Chinese coastal waters, and caused serious economic impact on the marine fisheries. However, the diversity of planktonic Prorocentrum along the coast of China was not fully examined. A total of 19 strains of bloom-forming Prorocentrum were morphologically identified to six species including P. donghaiense, P. gracile, P. koreanum, P. minimum, P. micans and P. triestinum. The morphology of the periflagellar area appears to be a very useful character to distinguish planktonic Prorocentrum, and the periflagellar area platelet pattern of P. donghaiense and P. gracile were revealed for the first time. The taxonomic relationship among P. donghaiense, P. shikokuense and P. dentatum will not be clarified until the platelet pattern of P. shikokuense and P. dentatum are examined in detail later. In combination with periflagellar area platelet pattern, cell shape and trichocyst pores pattern, the morphologically similar species P. micans, P. koreanum, P. gracile and P. texanum can be easily distinguished. Partial large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) and/or internal transcribed spacer region (ITS rDNA) sequences showing that there is a low genetic variability among the strains of planktonic Prorocentrum at intraspecific level. Both LSU rDNA and ITS rDNA based phylogeny revealed three groups within planktonic Prorocentrum referred as P. micans-like group, P. minimum-like group and P. triestinum-like group, which correspond to their morphological features.