Marine pollution, ecotoxicology and sustainability

Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in coastal area: from wastewater treatment plants to bay  (Invited)
Monday 7th @ 1330-1350, Conference Room 7
Donghui Wen* , College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University
Aolin Li, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
Zhiguo Su, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University
Jiayu Chen, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Normal University
Lujun Chen, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
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The abuse of antibiotics in human society promotes frequent occurrence and wide dispersion of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in environment. In recent years, the environmental pollution of ARGs has aroused deep concerns, and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are regarded as one of the most important sources. Nevertheless, few study tracks ARGs from WWTPs, through their effluent disposal area, to the natural waterbody. In this study, in the coastal area of Zhejiang Province we investigated the occurrence and distribution of a series of ARGs, class I integrase gene (intI1), and 16S rRNA in 1 pharmaceutical WWTP and 3 municipal WWTPs, 2 effluent disposal areas, and Hangzhou Bay. The concentrations of total ARGs in the influents of 4 WWTPs were at the level of 107~108 copiesĦ¤mL-1. Among the 14 detected ARGs, sulII and ermB were the most abundant. Although the municipal WWTPs partly removed ARGs in the sewage, the total ARGs in all the effluents were still abundant. The correlation analysis showed that the concentration of ARGs in sewage were well correlated with 16S rRNA, intI1, and total phosphorus (TP). WWTP effluents contributed greatly to the ARGs pollution in the 2 effluent disposal areas, where the ARGs concentrations were much higher than those in the bay area. The correlation analysis showed that the concentrations of ARGs in Hangzhou bay were well correlated with intI1 and water indexes of NH3-N, NO2-N, TP, and COD. As Hangzhou Bay is one of the most seriously polluted bays in China, our study indicates the linkage between conventional pollutants and the emerging pollutants of ARGs.