Turbulence and scaling processes in the ocean

Scaling turbulence in the ocean  (Invited)
Tuesday 8th @ 1350-1410, Conference Room 4
Francois G. Schmitt* , CNRS, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences, Univ. Lille, ULCO, Wimereux, France
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Turbulence is one of the main factors of variability of physical processes at small scales in the ocean. Several scaling properties have been experimentally found in the literature for velocity, passive scalars and also biologically active scalars. We will review here these results, with emphasis on Eulerian versus Lagrangian results. The focus will be on scaling properties in the Fourier domain, found through power spectral analysis, as well as intermittency study using the classical scaling structure functions analysis. On the other hand, several coastal time series possess strong forcing through daily, or tidal periodic influence. We discuss these periodic forcing which correspond to inputs of energy at some specific scales, and break the stochastic universal scaling properties. We also briefly discuss the influence of such intermittent and stochastic forcing on planctonic processes, such as phytoplancton growth, zooplankton contact rates and behavior.