Circulation, biogeochemistry and carbon cycling in ocean margins
Dynamics of daily nitrate assimilation in the two contrast time-series stations in the northern South China Sea during summer
Lingqi Ma* , State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Xin Liu, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Bangqin Huang, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
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The results from two cruises that were conducted in 2014 were used to elucidate the spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrate assimilation in the northern South China Sea (SCS).The spatial variation study based on the results of two cruises compared the differences among the shelf, slope and basin of the SCS in the summer.We conducted time-series stations to clarify the different characteristics of nitrate assimilation and phytoplankton distribution on the slope to the sea basin.Averaged surface nitrate assimilation measured in oligotrophic basin was 4 nmol N L-1 d-1, while that in slope was more than 100 nmol N L-1 d-1.The pigment results clearly showed that phytoplankton diversity in surface decreased from shelf to basin, as well as diatom biomass showed the same trend.Morever, in the light of time-series stations, daily nitrate uptake rate in the slope area was not so stable as we assumed, and it might be influenced by the physical process.In oligotrophic stable station, it still can be observed some multiple variabilities in lower nitrate uptake level.