Physics of estuaries and coastal seas
Similarity and Difference in Interannual Sea-Level Variations Between the New York and Nova Scotia Coasts
Nan Chen* , Xiamen University
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Previous studies have identified coherent interannual sea level variations (SLVs) along the coasts from New York to Nova Scotia and speculated possible large-scale forcing factors such as variations in the Gulf Stream strength and the alongshore winds. Here we combine in-situ measurements, satellite observations, as well as ocean and atmospheric reanalysis data to examine interannual SLVs on the New York coast and the Nova Scotia coast from 1993-2012 and to provide quantitative analyses of factors contributing to the interannual SLVs. The present study shows not only spatial correlation of the interannual SLVs under the two regimes during the study period, but also similarity and difference in their contributing factors. The interannual SLVs along both the Nova Scotia coast and the New York coast are mainly (50\% and 38\% respectively) contributed by the steric effect associated with the temperature and salinity changes, followed to a lesser degree (36\% and 29\% respectively) by the inverse barometer effect. However, the impact of the Gulf Stream strength is significant at the New York coast only; while the influence of the alongshore winds is significant at the Scotia coast only.