Turbulence and scaling processes in the ocean

Cascade and Intermittency of the Sea Surface Temperature in the Oceanic System
Tuesday 8th @ 1410-1430, Conference Room 4
Lipo Wang* , Shanghai JiaoTong Univ.
Yongxiang Huang, Xiamen Univ.
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In this paper, we analyze the sea surface temperature obtained from the global drifter program. The experimental Fourier power spectrum shows a two-decade power-law behavior with a -7/3 scaling in the frequency domain. Dimensional argument suggests a two-dimensional-like Lagrangian forward cascade, in which the enstrophy dissipation is involved. Using the Hilbert-Huang transform and multi-level segment analysis, the measured high-order statistics and the corresponding singularity spectrum confirm the existence of the intermittency with a measured log-normal intermittency index about 0.10 , which is much weaker than the prediction by the conventional structure function method.