Physics of estuaries and coastal seas

Seasonal sediment transport pattern in a funnel-shaped microtidal estuary  (Invited)
Tuesday 8th @ 0930-0950, Conference Hall
Wenping Gong* , Sun Yat-sen University
Lianghong Chen, Sun Yat-sen Univeristy
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Sediment transport pattern in the Huangmaohai estuary, a funnel shaped microtidal one in the Pearl River Delta, was examined based on a combination of numerical modelling and data analysis. The COAWST modelling system was utilized to study the sediment transport pattern and to reveal the underlying physics. A total of 5 sediment classes were introduced into the model for well representing the sediment characteristics in the estuary. The wave-current interaction was activated to examine the wave effects on sediment resuspension and transport.The model results show that different sediment transport patterns prevail during different tidal forcing, river discharge and wave conditions. The sediment transport fluxes were calculated and decomposed into several components. It is found that sediment is mostly entrapped inside the estuary in winter while the sediment can escape from the estuary in summer. Waves play important roles in sediment transport during both the winter and summer seasons.